Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Peru Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Peru - Essay ExampleA good interpreter is when President Alberto Fujimori who ruled the country from 1990 to 2000 was found guilty for grave violation of kind rights by the Peruvian Supreme Court.The conviction and prosecution of the president in the country indicated that the country was able to deal with crimes of such levels. The verdict aimed at achieving accountability after the crimes committed in the country and the globe (Giddens & Thomas, 30). Cases of grave human rights violation have often been presented at the inter subject field criminal court basing on the absence of effective judiciary systems in the member states. The trial of the former Peru president was successful despite the many challenges. The trials of passport of States such as Slobodan Milosevic and Charles Taylor have taken place in the international court. However, Perus approach indicates that national governments can be able to prosecute former leaders by putting unique and super competent judiciar y system in place (Lee, Ambrose, 70).Basing on the second principle of the Rio Declaration targeting manduction and management of transboundary resources, States have, in accordance with the principles of international laws and charter of the united nations, the sovereign rights to extract and exploit their resources consistent to their own developmental and environmental policies, and the responsibilities of ensuring that activities within their control and jurisdiction do not cause aggrieve to the environment of contiguous states and beyond. Political borders are drawn on natural resources and environment that overlap into i another. Such resources are often extracted for developmental gain although sometimes it may result in consequences such as pollution (Kauffer, 40).The consequences of extraction may cross the political boundary set and affect the neighboring states. Peruvian people and boundary have to be protected from the effects of resource extraction in the neighbori ng countries such as
Monday, April 29, 2019
Ethical Guidance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Ethical Guidance - Essay ExampleInterpretations f the rules and rulings issued by the AIcertified public accountant to answer specific questions regarding members honourable cope supplement the principles and rules and, in combination, provide guidance to auditors making finishs about ethical dilemmas. The position f the decision-making procedure implied by the combination f these canon elements is materialistic, however, and may not fully capture all the actual influences on auditors decisions. This study proposes and tests an alternative put in comparison with the AICPA edict-implied model. (Jeffrey 2004, 553-579)When faced with an ethical dilemma, an auditor must make headway and analyze data from many sources. It is likely that auditors gather and analyze these data in many diametric ways. One benefit f a model f auditors ethical decision making is that the model elements can be identified and tested to better understand how and why the decisions are made. In this sect ion the decision model implied by the AICPA Code is delineated and compared with other existing models. (Martin 2007, 5-14)Numerous professional accounting, financial, and auditing organizations have separately adopt codes f ethics. Most practicing internal, public, and governmental auditors are associated with one or more f these organizations and have voluntarily submitted to the respective codes f conduct which restrict activities beyond the legal statutes binding the general citizenry. Comparisons f these codes indicate that there are significant rough-cut components across many f them, but also that omissions and potential conflicts exist Unlike most other codes, the AICPA Code provides specific guidance in using both rules and principles to conservatively resolve conflicts. The chairman f the committee drawing the restructured Code described the application f principles in the following mannerguided by the basic principles in the Standards of passkey Conduct, members must e xercise professional and moral judgments in all their activities.Within the added principles section f the AICPA Code, members are called 10 an unswerving commitment to honourable behaviour, even at the sacrifice f personal advantage (AICPA 1988).This description f the AICPA Code implies an exceptionally conservative decision model. According to the Code-implied model, an accountant or auditor must be sensitive f the principles, rules, interpretations, and rulings promulgated by the AICPA. When facing an ethical dilemma, an auditor compares the dilemma situation with these elements f the Code and makes a decision to avoid any possible violation. To follow this decision model without exception would lead to increasingly conservative decisions in which the gray area calling for auditor judgment is reduced. That is, when an ethical dilemma situation is intercommunicate within the Code each new level f guidance adds restrictions which require auditors to follow promulgated rules and p rinciples without deviation. This model is illustrated in figure 1 and discussed below.At the legal level, CPAs are constrained from complete decision-making freedom. For example, a CPA
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Behavioral theory development Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Behavioral theory development - Research Paper ExampleUnlike Erikson, Freuds theories were found upon studies of neurotic patients Eriksons theories were based upon studies of normal puerility. Keoke and Porterfield (2001) explain the beginning of Eriksons observation of normal childishness development as follows in 1902, Erickson was born in Germany to a well-off family who immigrated to Germany from Denmark at the age of 25 age, Erickson moved to Vienna, Austria where he established a school and was fortunate to become one of Sigmund Freuds students and colleagues. During the Hitler rule of terror, Erikson migrated to the United States where he worked with prominent anthropologists and studied two American Indian tribes called the Sioux and Yukon. Ericksons anthropology study glum into the first empirical study on normal childhood development. The focus of the study was the early childhood development of the Sioux and Yukon children in their home and school environment compare d to White American children. After a longitudinal scientific investigation focused upon the childhood development of the Sioux, Yukon, and White American cultures, including the American Welfare system, Erikson knew that it was epoch to establish his own theory of development which was in direct conflict to his teacher and colleague to wit Freud (Keoke & Porterfield, 2001).Santrock (1997) describes Eriksons famous eight developmental stages as follows (a) Trust vs. Mistrust is focused upon the fetal years through the first year and ideally the child learns to get physical and emotional needs carry out of which must be achieved before the child will learn how to trust (b) Autonomy vs. Shame and surmise initiate around the second year of the childs life in which independence and the trust of the childs will is observed through the behavior of doing things and exploring. Erikson observed that if
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Angels Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Angels - Essay ExampleIndeed the angels name been major guiding forces by the ages and they consecrate remained an intrinsic part of my life from the childhood.I do agree with the author that angels do be and influence our decision in issues and events in our daily life. While they may not come as fairies and bright lights or even multitude with halos, the voice of our conscience at critical hour, could be construed as the voice of the angels who want us to take the right path and correct decision. The subtle ways in which people are forewarned of dire consequences greatly reinforce the presence of some super power in our life and calling them by angels would not be incorrect, especially when our religious mythology has called them as messengers of God. My belief in the angels has not mellowed with growing up because I still swear that angels have come to me whenever I have been in difficult situations, in the form of friends, relative or even stranger who have come forward and guided me to safety and right path.In my acquaintance, I dont have people who have unbiblical ideas about angels though, some of them may not believe in the existence of guardian angels. I do believe that angels are someone who want us to fight against the evil forces that index come in different forms, shapes and means. That is the reason that the new age angels have taken the form of hassle Potter, Sabrina, the witch etc. The media is abound with the tales of heroes that have fought the death traps and conquered the destructive forces that have come to harm the people and threatened the existence of this world. The children are greatly attracted to such serials and show because somewhere deep within them, they believe that good people will overpower the evil forces. These shows are successful primarily because they confirm the beliefs of the children.The scriptures of versatile religions have one common belief and that is that there is some super power which takes care
Friday, April 26, 2019
Course work 3 ( how the Marketing Communications Mix ) Essay
Course work 3 ( how the Marketing communications Mix ) - Essay ExampleMoreover, Versace use their website as the advertising medium. They run separate advertising rill on their website for fashion accessories and clothing, for both men and women. Versace also brings out its own magazine which keeps their customers informed of the in style(p) trends in the fashion industry. They use their social responsibility efforts in advertising the brand. However, they do not pass on money on advertising through the television. Understanding the importance of marketing, the owner tied up with a photographer to bring out the essence of his clothing in all advertisements (GLBTQ, 2002). Direct sales They prepare out to the fashion conscious customer directly through Twitter where discussions on fabric, its quality and accomplishment are openly discussed and suggestions/feedback invited. They have already segmented their target customers and go through how to reach them. They have also created a string visible profile on the social networking sites and they have also ensured people know where and how to find them on the various networks. As people get connected they exchange view/opinions nearly the Versace products and this is how they achieve direct sales. The purpose of social media itself is to connect with people and not people connecting with brands. Sales promotions To do confidence among the customers, they offer 30-day money back guarantee (FragranceX, 2011).
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Marketing - Pricing Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
selling - Pricing Strategy - Essay ExampleTo ensure that the number of guests is controlled, the restaurant entrust charge exalted prices for their products while ensuring that the quality of food and other services provided be great. The statement of the restaurant should be to raise spunky quality food to the target market by ensuring emphasis on customized / personalized services. By adhering to the statement, the restaurant will aim at offering good food to the customers and at the same condemnation be driven by the changes in the market (Milligan, 2012). This will ensure that the customers needs are met in a timely manner with customer considered king in the melody operations. At the same time, offering of quality food and drinks will make the line of products operate within the legal requirements and cater for the interests of their stakeholders (Gupta, 2009). Beca put on of this, the business will remain socially responsible and reduce salutes that are associated with litigation charges. Most cases involving restaurants are based on tortuous actions or criminal proceedings if customers get injured or pay back losses because of consuming food or having injuries in the restaurants. If the statement guiding the operations of the restaurant is livelihood of quality, the cases of such litigations will be minimized hence reducing costs. This statement would simultaneously cause customer satisfaction and loyalty. Every retailer in conducting business has the objective of maximizing returns ion the investment. Pricing is the only market mix element that generates cash to the business hence its importance. However, settling on the determine strategy to use may not be an easy task to businesses. There are various pricing strategies including cost plus margin pricing, competitive pricing, psychological pricing, multiple pricing, discount pricing, and prestige pricing (Nagle Hogan & Zale, 2011). Any business that considers profit key however must th us consider the cost of production and ensure that the prices are above all the total costs and other overheads used in production. For the case of the upscale pricing, in that respect is need for exclusion and uniqueness. The kinds of customers who are expected to be served in the restaurants are those of high class and will be interested in high quality services. They will thus be less small to changes in the prices since they are also capable of paying even where charges are very high. prestigiousness pricing will indeed be the best pricing strategy to adopt in the restaurant (Nagle Hogan & Zale, 2011). Prestige pricing is one way that will ensure that the prices charged are above the costs and therefore make the business make huge profits to justify its operations and expansion of their services. In addition, the customers of upscale restaurant are those who need a feeling of being very important and non-ordinary. This makes them associate the high price with very high quali ty ad uniqueness. They will therefore be more cheerful with paying high prices than just the normal prices as a cost to the exclusive nature of their environment. In an upscale restaurant, highly qualified staffs who also expect to be paid highly normally clear the food. The hotel attendants must be people with great skills and knowledge whose services are compensated very highly. In addition, the furniture, jewelers, and other beautification products to make the environment look prestigious make the customers overlook the
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Macroeconomics 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Macroeconomics 2 - Essay warning lacquer is considered the strongest economy in the Asian region. The Asian economies are dependent on Japanese quite a little and imports. The seism that fool away Japan has completely disrupted the entire economy of the island of Japan. The financial markets of Japan clear been negatively impacted by the event. The Toyko shares drop by 11% on March 15, 2011 and by 6.2% on Monday March 14, 2011. The total combined drop in value was 17.2%. on with the news and effects of the earthquake there is currently a lot of speculation due to the nuclear scare the people of Japan are facing. There is a possibility that the damage in the nuclear plants released radiation into the atmosphere which would amaze environmental damage to the ecology and to humans. Millions of Japanese inhabitants are at risk of exposure to radiation if the worse scenario becomes a reality. The uncertainty associated with the nuclear condition of Japan is causing panic among the i nvestor community and within the creation of Japan. A major problem that the region of Japan is facing since the earthquake hit them is that its supply fibril logistics have been altered. The supplier logistics have been dislocated throughout Japan due to restrictions on using highways for commitment has been imposed. When companies are unable to receive raw inventory on time it can ca routine a firm to suffer from a shutdown. Hundreds of corporations in Japan have close down since the earthquake hit. Along with logistics some other problem companies are facing is a lack of stability in its power grid. electricity shutdowns have been occurring throughout the entire region of Japan. Without electricity companies are unable to produce. Another industry that has been hit hard by the event is the tourism industry. People are scare to travel to Japan veracious now. Many flights in and out of Japan have been cancelled. Tourism brings in a lot of money because the people that come to Japan spend money during their visit to the nation. There are many genial aspects that must be considered after the earthquake. The government of Japan has to invest resources in gear up to find treasure for the thousands of victims that lost their homes. The fact that food and oil prices are high hurts in the recovery process. Higher prices on food will hurt the ability of the government and the non-profit organizations to purchase sufficient food to feed the victims. The health check industry had a huge increase in the demand for its services after the earthquake. Thousands of people were injure as a result of the earthquake. Japan needs the immediate importation of medical professionals in order to meet the demands for medical services as a result of the crisis. The rise in oil prices is another factor that is negatively impacting the Asian economies. A rise in the price of crude oil has inflationary consequences due to the fact that oil has so many derivative products and b ecause virtually all transportation vehicles use gasoline to operate. In the next few months Japan is going to experience a major hollo in its construction industry. There is going to be a
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Norton Lilly International Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Norton Lilly International - Case Study modelHowever, the growth in the company was not without consequences accustomed that such growth had not been well fasten in the companys culture as asserted by (Burton and Gamble 369). Consequently, operational efficiency did not touch the agencys growth path leading to losses in 2006. Following the loss in 2006, the agency engage James Burton to double as the Chief Operations Officer and Chief Finance Officer given his professional qualifications as a Certified Public Accountant who had been consulted by various organisation that motley to achieve growth (Burton and Gamble 368). The agencys mission is to restore operational efficiency thereby helping to add-on its profitability. The company sort to achieve this mission by pursuing growth which would see it double its surface (Burton and Gamble 368). In addition, the agency had an objective of ensuring smooth transition as it was at the verge of cosmos passed over to the next generatio n of in the family (Burton and Gamble 368). Basically, the company wanted to have a verso strategy which would ensure both operational efficiency and profitability. Crafting of the strategy In freshman stage of the strain to bring some efficiency at the agency required development of a strategy. The strategy was base on ensuring the company achieves sustainable competitive advantage and could be based on five incompatible perspectives that include Dominant Industry Economic Features, Five Forces Analysis, Competitive Analysis, SWOT and PESTEL and Financial. Generic strategies may overly form the basis for crafting a business strategy. A business can rely on a combination of perspectives or all of them. Based on the dominant industry perspective economic features, Burton first role in developing the strategy was to assess the business to identify the areas that could help the company reduce a strong foundation for execution of instrument (Burton and Gamble 370). Under this go up, core business areas are assessed and communicate given that they support other parts of the company. This is also in congruent with the competitive advantage approach which calls for one to assess the strengths and maximize on them to ensure achieve the mission set out. The crafting of the strategy execution was also based on PESTEL analysis which postulates that a strategy must assess the social perceptions of the good deal involved (Goodstein and Burke 5). Consequently, Burton understood that he was bringing change among a group of people who were as competent and therefore he had to introduce ideas hat could be easily accepted and therefore he chose an incremental approach. The other components of PESTEL require the political, environmental, technological, economic and legal macro-environment within which a business is conducted given that they may affect its growth. In the strategy crafting, Burton noted that he could only achieve change through a gradual process as t his would give the executive the confidence that such change will be bring tangible benefits to the company. Moreover, Burton believed that gradual and logical business growth would help the company identify smart ways of doing things. Executive Strategy After crafting a growth strategy, it has to be implemented to bring about sustainable positive change to the company. In such efforts, the company follows a series of activities which begins with organizational building, strategic leadership and resource allocation. The execution also involves addressing the organizational culture, evaluating and recognizing achievements and management of the operating systems of the company (Grudy 10). The first impuissance addressed in the executive strategy
College graduates get low interest Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
College graduates get busted touch - Essay Exampleale, a research organization gathered statistics this year on graduates of over 900 colleges and universities, enquiring from them what they did at college and the amount they now make. PayScale then factored in the amount spent on the degree after monetary support .It is from this that the firm approximates the returns gotten from several kinds of degrees. It was found out that a degree course is a trustworthy bet wherever one studied it. This makes college graduates a safe bet as far as college piteous interest loans argon concerned.The US. Department of Education develops and releases products that come with lowest student loans swans to give ear college graduates. These include Direct Subsidized Loans that in 2013-2014 came with an interest rate of 3.86%, this is courtesy of US Department of Education. This rate is much lower than what is offered by private lenders. Apart from low rates of interest, students offered these l oans arent responsible for the allowance of interest during their schooling period. These costs are covered by governmental sources. Apart from federal low interest rates loans, there are also private lenders offering loan products that have low and attractive interest rates. Such products as these are tailored for students having outstanding credit scores as well as a cosigner having a good credit standing. Such like students are regarded as ideal borrowers since its very likely that they are going to honor their credit responsibilities. just about banks seem to reward such kind of behavior and battle for the business offered by
Monday, April 22, 2019
The World Bank and How It Shaped Public Policy In the Developing World Essay
The knowledge base Bank and How It Shaped Public Policy In the Developing World - Essay ExampleThis question aims to evaluate and present the World Bank as an international financial institution whose avowed command is to maintain capitalist development in the third world by consciously steering growth countries towards international trade, liberalization and capital investment. Its World Development Report 2008 Agriculture for Development, signposts its shift to tillage and artless development, primarily owing to a greater recognition that improving cultivation performance is the most decent tool we have available to reduce global poverty and hunger, both directly and indirectly. By its own admission, its primary focus is commercialize and investment oriented raising smallholder productivity, strengthening smallholder linkages with the markets, and helping wear out manage risks.. Most relevant to this paper is its trueness to develop a code of conduct for tremendous s cale foreign investment in agriculture to ensure equitable sharing of benefits. The balance of motive within the World Bank is historically irresistibly tilted in favor of the North. It was created during the Bretton Woods conclave in 1944, where negotiations were dominated by the get together States and the United Kingdom. Critics have constantly railed against the World Banks so-called poverty alleviating measures that have only resulted in driving third world economies deeper and deeper into debt. Its interventions in agriculture and rural development have been said to be no different.... its primary focus is market and investment oriented raising smallholder productivity, strengthening smallholder linkages with the markets, and helping better manage risks. (ibid). Most relevant to this paper is its commitment to develop a code of conduct for large scale foreign investment in agriculture to ensure equitable sharing of benefits. (ibid). The balance of power within the World B ank is historically overwhelmingly tilted in favor of the North. It was created during the Bretton Woods Conference in 1944, where negotiations were dominated by the United States and the United Kingdom. Critics have constantly railed against the World Banks so-called poverty alleviating measures that have only resulted in driving third world economies deeper and deeper into debt. Its interventions in agriculture and rural development have been said to be no different. In truth, however, the prescription package that is contained in these structural adjustment programs, particularly its explicit support for laissez-faire agrarian reclaim, have led to even deeper poverty and rural inequality. This is because land redistribution strategies that are non backed by coercive State power and only rely on the efficiency of the market are often hijacked by the elite and the dominant classes in the countryside. By its inordinate emphasis on land titling as the primary solution out of rural poverty, the World Bank has managed to reframe the land reform imperative in the developing world by obscuring core issues of systemic exploitation and social dealing of production under the jargon of efficiency and equitable land markets. 1.2 Contextual Backdrop The global solid food crisis of 2007-2008, attended by a sudden and alarming spike in food prices and the skyrocketing costs of
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Platos Lysis with Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics Essay
Platos Lysis with Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics - Essay ExampleLysis is Platos dialogues discussing the genius of promotership whereas Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics withal discusses the reputation and concept of friendship and its sizeableness in the lives of pitying beingnesss. Plato and Aristotle be the Greek philosophers that have covered several(prenominal) important subjects in their writings. They contradict as rise up as support each others view point on certain matters however, the conception of friendship is perceived differently by these philosophers and they provide the understanding of the nature of friendship.The Aristotles Nicomachean Ethics has been regarded as Aristotles outdo work on friendship and ethics. It is the most important philosophic work that drew significant impacts upon the European middle age societies because the medieval philosophy was widely based upon the concepts presented in Nicomachean Ethics. The conception of friendship presented by A ristotle basically depicts his thinking about the nature of friendship and why people need friends in their lives (Crisp, p76). He believes that there is no person that would like to live a friend less life because being a social animal man always like situations and circumstances where he has a friend. Plato Lysis also talks about the importance of friendship but he has not much focused upon the importance and role of friendship in the lives of people from social and emotional perspective (Cooper, p290). The dynamics of friendship argon also explored by Plato in one of his most engaging puzzling dialogues Lysis. These dialogues are rich mixtures of still arguments, theories and literature in which Plato presented his views regarding friendship. Plato discusses the nature of friendship in these dialogues using the main pillow slips of Socrates and two boys and friends Lysis and Menexunun. Another character of the dialogue was Hipplothales who had unrequited love with Lysis. In Lys is, Plato explained the conception of friendship in detail and depth and says that lawful friendship is based upon four basic conditions. At first, friendship could develop between the people that are similar and good man. Secondly, friendship occurs between dissimilar people. Thirdly, people who are neither good nor heavy(p) could also become friend and fourthly the relatives develop gradual friendship with each others because it is in the nature of the human beings to become friend of others (Annas, p532). The Lysis are often being regarded as philosophical failure because several arguments depicted in the dialogues are not convincing and due to these bad dialogues it has been regarded as a philosophical failure. It is found that Lysis fails to provide satisfying dishs to certain important questions associated with the nature of the friendship. It is often been argues that Lysis actually didnt answer the question that what friendship is. It shows dialogues between Socrates, Lys is and menexenus arguing about the friendship where Socrates asked Lysis and Menexunun that when a person loves another who is friend the lover
Saturday, April 20, 2019
Was Henry David Thoeau a true transcendentalist Essay
Was Henry David Thoeau a true transcendentalist - Essay Examplethrough and through many of his works, more specifically Walden, Thoreau divulged into the concept of alimentation without the dependency of material goods and completely giving up ideas of religion and spirituality, as these two things only existed to impede on the happiness of human beings. By living a life of simplicity, a life that was without such an attachment to materialism, and by understanding that spirituality is at heart a person and not without them, then a person could discover true human happiness. Unfortunately, in a world that depends so much on the quality and quantity of what they have externally, paying very little attention to what is available internally, true human happiness was often easier discussed than it was obtained. The factor that truly brace Thoreau a transcendentalist is that he actually did what he had to in an effort to obtain true happiness. Instead of only when preaching to others that all it takes is for someone to function a simple life without all of the material possessions and to live without a need for religion and spirituality, Thoreau actually set out to live a life just like that. In his book, Walden, Thoreau details his life after he built a small cabin on the shore of Walden Pond, Massachusetts (Thoreau).
Friday, April 19, 2019
Green energy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
spirt aught - Essay ExampleHowever, the ongoing debates have led to the rise of people against greenish energy. Critics who claim that green energy can only be technically achieved rather than being achieved in real life. Green energy can be harvested from natural sources such as the sun, wind and tidal waves in seas and oceans. Scientist has turn up the use of green energy technically possible. However, how will the public take the new technology on green energy? That question has caused mixed reactions in energy debates globally. Not all people in the society may accept green energy. The receivers may go ahead and produce green cabs and cars entirely who will buy them? Most people prefer buying vehicles that they have been used to rather than those exploitation green energy such as electricity. In some cases, since they have non undergone massive tests, they do not work as to the set standards and conditions. For example, one may purchase a green vehicle to help in solving the global warming change but he/she makes a very small fraction of the whole population globally. These ideas are mostly generated in developed countries and introduced to markets in the resembling countries. However, in the second and third world countries, the problem of pollution is still a menace. Industries and production firms that produce poisonous gases into the atmosphere leading to global warming may not make their ways in developed countries but in the third world countries.Legal and economic structures in these countries are not stable like those found in the developed countries. This means that with all the ideas, there are no enough implementation plans that backup technology. For example, due to inappropriate leadership styles in underdeveloped countries, factories and industries may relate polluting the environment. This at times happen in the presence of strict warning and fines but due to corruption they continue producing. This means that the use of green en ergy is realistically impossible. There is an
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Workforce Diversity at IBM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Workforce Diversity at IBM - show ExampleIBM had already implemented Workforce mixed bag as early as 1953 while this scarce became a requirement over ten years later under the Civil Rights Act of the US in 1964. This shows that IBM has always been committed to implementing custody transition unlike other firms who do it because it has to be d integrity. IBM had already realized the importance of diversifying the workforce for the sake of the firm in rove to not only change magnitude productivity but as well to increase their strategic advantage. The fact that IBM had already embraced the idea of workforce transmutation as early as the 1950s is very important in considerations that the globalisation of trade had not begun. Globalisation, which was very fundamental in forcing organisations into embracing workplace diverseness, only came much later in the mid-eighties and it is at this clip that most international firms realised they had to diversify their workforce in order to ascertain that they are glob eachy competitive and that they can meet the challenges of a global market (Strachan, French and bourgeois 4). In this regard, IBM can be regarded as the pioneer of the principle of workforce diversity. Looking at the tuition provided slightly IBM workforce diversity in this section, it becomes clear that the person is increasingly clear that implementing workforce diversity should not be driven by the affirmative action of the Civil Rights Act of the US in 1964. ... a modern world, any firm, especially those operating in the global environment should be fit to make sure that their work is as alter as much as possible. A diversified workforce is not only more likely to give the firm more innovations but is also capable to meet the needs of the diverse market. IBM was the first to realize that diversifying the workforce would help the reorganisations to be able to be competitive in a global market. In fact, according to Richard (477), modern org anisations are realizing that diversifying the workforce is not just the right thing to do, but a requirement for the organisation in order to acquire competitive advantage in the market. This probably explains the reason why IBM went on to become one of the most successful companies in the world. The other issue which comes out from the topic is the fact that implementing workforce diversity is not an easy task and it is a task which must be looked at in a very serious manner. Firms should be able to understand workforce diversity is not just about hiring individuals from all categories of people such as from different races, different abilities etc. Workforce diversity until now is being able to look for talents from all walks of life. IBM was the first firms to break the ice at a time when segregation in the workplace was very high. Many firms misunderstand workforce diversity and implement it in the wrong way. Not only do firm misunderstand diversity, but also the legislations which have been do such as the Civil Rights Act of the US in 1964 have the wrong view of what diversity should be. Diversity should not be inspired by giving the minority groups an added advantage over the majority. pertain opportunity employment should be inspired by the need to have all people of all sorts of
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
America in the XXs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
America in the XXs - Essay Exampleand the massive effect from 1893-1897 which convinced many an(prenominal) that equal opportunity was out of reach for Americans (The Progressive season 1).Progressives strongly advocated the aptitude Movement which argues that all sectors of the economy, society, and government were contributors to waste and efficiency. Thus, progressives assumed that anything old was encrusted with inefficient and useless practices and advocated the eradication of the eradication of the problems mentioned above. They implemented changes in all policies at every level of society, economy, and government. Their effort brought fruits as the move reaped success at the local, stated and national levels (The Progressive Era 3).The Progressives are predominantly members of the new kernel class which are undisturbed of young professionals. Their thrust is the application of principles of professions to problems plaguing the society, having a strong faith in progress and the ability of educated people to overcome problems, and establishment of volunteer organizations to address issues. Journalists also fall in the movement by attacking and exposing corruption. Political reformers showed their opposition to traditional party politics while socialists composed or soly of frustrated workers vowed to totally eradicate capitalism. Women also showed their contribution to the Progressive Era by proving their determine as social workers. Together with the other progressives, they pushed for justice, general equality, and public safety (Feldmeth 3). In terms of politics, the most famous national figures were Republicans Theodore Roosevelt and Rober LaFollette and Democrats William Jennings Bryan and Woodrow Wilson. Theodore Roosevelt was as a president which used his position to lead and fight against those he felt were not acting in Americas best interest. Among the most important reforms in the Progressive Era were Prohibition with the 18th Amendmen t and womans suffrage through to the Nineteenth Amendment (The Progressive Era 5). The establishment of the Initiative, Referendum, Recall was created by some states led by California, Wisconsin, and Oregon to enable the citizenry to rule more directly and misrepresent political bosses (The Progressive Era 5). Huge developments notably the usage of Primary elections and establishments of municipal reference bureaus to contemplate budget and administrative structures of local government. America and the Great warAmerica formally entered the Great War on April 6, 1917 when it joined its Allies-Britain, France, and Russia. The US was previously unconvinced to engaged in the World War I. However, Americans were angry when a German submarine sunk the Lusitania, a British luxury ship killing 128 aboard. Thus, many Americans urged then President Wilson to join the war (Dowling 1-4). The Allies expected that the
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Transmission media Essay Example for Free
Transmission media Essay1. What assortment of transmission media would you recommend for from each one different building and department of the medical instrument company and why I would use sanctify 6 and the required appropriate connectors, victimisation full-duplex transmission, for each building . It has a much higher throughput than cronk 5 and is more flexible than Cat 7 and less expensive than Fiber.2. What type of media would you recommend using to connect the two buildings and why, andI would recommend Multimode Fiber (MMF) to connect the two buildings because the distance is within the MMF terminal point (due to attenuation) of a few miles and is cheaper than Single-mode Fiber (SMF). Also, reference is capable of very high throughput and is very resistant to noise.3. What kind of media should the company request from the its ISP for connecting the corporate WAN to the Internet? UTP is fine from the ISP. The company will just direct to have the appropriate modem s and connectors to ensure compatibility with the companys network. If the connection to the ISP is analog we will need to shift it to digital for our network and back to analog when we reach outside the network.I would have the network set up as a MAN with each building having being a LAN. The sales departments desire to wear video training sessions requires much greater throughput than the access of servrers in another department and the use of fiber will assist in this. The Fulfillment department will be setup with a wireless fidelity (wireless local area network) to facilitate the use of scanners on forklifts interacting with inventory databases.
Discuss the various perceptions of love in Shakespeares Romeo Essay Example for Free
contend the various perceptions of erotic be slamd in Shakespe ares Romeo EssayDiscuss the various perceptions of love in Shakespeares Romeo Juliet. Then deal two contrasting examples from scenes you bind discussed and explain how you would stage them to show these contrasts. William Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet in 1595. When it was written, Shakespeare was quite young, 31, already louvre years into his career. Queen Elizabeth I was on the thr sensation at the time, and many of the characteristics of Elizabethan lifestyle are included within the play. In the Elizabethan times, it was not unusual for people to get married and have children young. In the play Lady Capulet says, By my count, I was your m another(prenominal) much upon these years, to Juliet, who appears to be about 12 years old. She is telling Juliet that she was already a mother at Juliets age, implying she should be getting ready to hook up with now. Women were similarly not considered of much import ance in those days. They were not as important as men, and notwithstanding used for perk up, which plays a big part in the topic of conversation between characters throughout the play. Women/girls also had to obey their fathers until they got married, and then obey their husbands when they did get married. It was a very male dominant era.Romeo and Juliet is partly a comedy, tragedy and history. It is a tragedy obviously because of all the death in it. It is a comedy because of the badinage and contrast the characters raise, and also because of the humour several(prenominal) characters like Mercutio and the Nurse bring into the play. It is a history as well because of the fact it was written a long time ago, and has historical contents in it. in that respect is a great deal of love and passion in this play, still not all the same. diverse characters have different perceptions of love, and different passions. The play is also as much about hate as it is about love, which is a v ery important element.Shakespeare puts emphasis on themes such as the relationship of love and hate and old and young. This is what I will be analysing in the essay. The play tells the story of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet the children of two equal families living in Verona, who fall in love and get married without their families knowing. The hatred felt by their families leads to the death of five people. Two of who are Romeo and Juliet, the star-crossed lovers who die because they want to be together but depository financial institution be. It shows the young as they struggle to escape from the morass of hatred created by their elders.The ancient family feud makes Romeo and Juliets married couple even more significant as they both hate each others families, but manage to subjugate it when they meet each other. This play represents true love because it shows pure hatred turn into pure love. Romeo and Juliet went against everything they were brought up with and gave up thei r lives to be together. Romeo is a very passionate person when we world-class-year meet him, and his passion corset throughout the play. We do learn however, that Romeo is very impulsive, and acts on this impulsive streak very often, and it leads him to do some stupid things, which I will show further on in the essay.The foremost reference to love in the play is in the opening scene where we meet Sampson and Gregory (two Capulet servants). They are both very mutual and crude characters and show this straight away when they are talking about the Montague women. In lines 17-20, Sampson says, Tis true, and therefore women creation the weaker vessels are ever thrust to the wall. Therefore I will push Montagues men from the wall, and thrust his maids to the wall. This is where the wordplay becomes sexual urgeual. He is implying that he will assault the Montague maids against the wall.Later on in lines 27-28, he says, Ay, the heads of the maids, or their maidenheads- befool it in what sense thou wilt. Here he is saying that he will either cut up off the heads of the Montague maids, or rape them, depending on what he feels like. Their behaviour shows that they do not actually stand for of love itself, and further think of sex. They view women as mere objects to serve their pleasure. They are not the only bawdy characters in the play to have this perception of women and love thought. In act two, scene one (lines 34-38) Mercutio is making fun of Romeos talk of love for Rosaline.He negotiation about a Medlar tree, and describes sex as a Medlar fruit. He is saying that Romeo really wishes Rosalie were a Medlar fruit, even though he says he loves her, all he really wants is sex. This is probably because this is all Mercutio sees love as. The Nurse is some other one of these characters. She constantly talks about the physical side of marriage. To her, love is merely about sex and having babies. For Sampson, Gregory, Mercutio and the Nurse, love is something n on-emotional, and they have obviously never experienced love like Romeo and Juliets.Love for Romeo and Juliet is very emotionally bonded, and they cannot live without each other. This however does not mean there is no physical element to their relationship. Romeo and Juliet thirstily look in the lead to the physical side. This can be seen in act three, scene two, lines 1-30, where Juliet is looking forward to her wedding night, or her love-performing night. But even this is altered by their love into something of which Mercutio, the Nurse and the servants know zilch of. In act one, scene one, Romeos parents show parental love when they are concerned about him.The first base evidence to show they care about Romeo is in lines 118-119, where Lady Montague says, Right glad I am he (Romeo) was not at this fray, meaning she was glad that Romeo was not involved in the fight that had fair(a) happened. In lines 133-144, Montague talks about Romeos worrying behaviour. He says that he is always crying, distances himself from everyone else, and shuts out light, making himself an bionic night. Montague is obviously worried about his sons behaviour, and asks Benvolio if he could talk to Romeo because he does not understand him.This doesnt mean however, that he does not care how Romeo feels, but he evidently does. It just shows the contrast between young and old. The first time we meet Romeo, he seems very sad and down (in the exact state his father describes him to be in). he is sad because he is in love. For Romeo, being in love (at this stage in the play) is a very painful, negative thing, especially because here there is a situation of unrequited love. However, by canvass Romeos language in this scene, I believe that he is not in love with Rosaline, but infact in love with the idea of love itself.The fact that he does not say Rosalines name once, but talks about being in love, shows that the she is irrelevant. Romeos doting over Rosaline is introduced to show the difference between love and infatuation. He talks about love as a painful situation to be in, as shown in lines 195-196, A madness most discreet, a choking gall, and a preserving sweet. This changes drastically though, when he meets Juliet. From the second he sees Juliet (in act one scene five) you can see he has changed. He suddenly speaks in a more positive tone, with more positive views on Juliet not just of love.O she doth teach the torches to force out bright. Romeo is referring to Juliet as an actual person, whereas before he was talking about being in love (supposedly with Rosaline), but never refers to her as a person. On meeting Juliet he experiences love at first sight. He goes on to say, For I neer saw true beauty till this night. This shows that he has forgotten about Rosaline already, almost like she never existed. Romeo constantly compares Juliet to a saint throughout the play, O then dear saint. He has made Juliet out to be the most important person (to him), in the matter of minutes.In their first meeting, Romeo and Juliet appropriate a sonnet (lines 94-107). This immediately shows the connection of love and harmony that exists between them. In the sonnet, love as a religion seems to be the key subject, and Romeo talks about it so passionately. He refers to Juliet as a devoted shrine, and his lips Two blushing pilgrims. By studying Romeos language here, and that of which he used when we first met him, you can see that his feelings have gone from being self-centred, self deceiving and essentially negative, to less self-centred, genuine and earnest passion, positively approached when he meets Juliet.The love between Romeo and Juliet is different from any other in the play, because both share the same view on love. It is so strong that they fought through everything to be together and when they werent they felt eject and sad. No one else in the play shows love for anything this deep. The words Romeo and Juliet use when flirting with each other emphasise their love for one another. They use words to do with the body lips, hands, palms, religion pilgrims, saints, prayer, devotion and holy then they put both ideas together, holy palmers kiss and saints lips. Romeo is trying to woo Juliet with romantic gestures.
Monday, April 15, 2019
Customer Service Supervisor Training Program Essay Example for Free
client Service Supervisor Training Program EssayKSA requirements Program Objectives At the programs destination participants shouldKnowledge * be familiar with relevant university, state and federal policies, systems, procedures and regulations to ensure customer satisfaction cleverness * have all personal computer skills required to effectively take to the woods in the assigned work twist block* be able to diffuse a variety of hostile and unpleasant customer situations* be competent in managing staff and the customer service work unitAbility* identify and admit to different customer communication styles and cultural backgrounds and to recognize and resolve their demand * adopt excellent m management procedures while adhering to relevant rules, processes and directives* assume effective problem solving proceduresProgram Agendamodule and rationaleGoalsTraining Methods1. Policies and ProceduresIn order for a CSS to effectively operate inwardly the work unit he/she mustiness first be familiar and be able to work within required polices and procedures. understand and work within the constraints of relevant university,state and federal policies, systems, procedures and regulations1 twenty-four hour period shop classPPT., individual, distich and classify activities.(Participants will be provided with a folio all documentation for future reference.)2. Personal calculator SkillsIn order for a CSS to effectively operate within the work unit he/she must be informed and able to use university information systems and databases, together with a number of software applications. spring up a competent working knowledge of word processing, spreadsheets, university information systems and databases, software applications1 day workshopPPT, hands-on computer tuorial4 ongoing weekly online tutorials3. Understanding Customers and their needsCustomers possess different styles of behaviour and learning how to adjust to those differing styles improves customer servic e and communication. understand the process of communication and the cultural differences that prevail, develop skills in overcoming barriers to communication, understand the importance of body language in communication, day workshopPPT, individual, couple on and group activities day in the work unit role plays4. Action LeadershipTo be an effective leader, a CSS needs to develop their own leadership skills and personal authority, as well as investigate tactics for building a strong and supportive team, handle difficult problems competently, and take accountability for end results. understand how to be an effectiveleader, understand how people are motivated, be better able to use thetalents of individual members within the work unit, be able todevelop realistic action plans1 day workshopPPT, individual, pair group activitiesTake home action plan assignment5. Time ManagementOne of the biggest challenges a CSS has to face is managing their time. They are often inundated with questions , queries and wants form all sides staff, customers and management. The ability to identify and focus their financial aid on the most important tasks is often the difference between a successful or unfortunate CSS. understand the importance of time in the role of CSS, identify priorities, allocate time between variant activities, develop time schedules, deal with the unexpected.1 day workshopPPT, individual, pair and group activities6. Managing strife and problem solvingNot all customers are easy to manage and an effective CSS must develop effective conflict management and resolution skills to ensure customer satisfaction. These skills will also carry crosswise to conflict issues within the work unit.understand the approach to problem solving, encourage restless problem-solving through prompt personal action, evaluate the choices and choose the optimum solutions, understand the principles of negotiation day workshopPPT, individual, pair and group activities day in the work uni t role playsEvaluationParticipants will be given a series of scenarios, and at specific points they will be asked to indicate how they would respond. The scenarios will be realistic, using pictures, unsounded files, background information and video clips. In this was, a variety of behavioral measures will be collect in a short period of time, and the process will not be dependent on the subjective judgments of examiners.
Sunday, April 14, 2019
Domains Of Culture Essay Example for Free
Domains Of Culture Essay1. When you think about the origins of Religion and Spirituality in Ameri fecal matter tillage, a lot of different reports, stories or parables come to mind. But one question is hardly ever asked or even thought of. Does Ameri roll in the hay culture have got a religion? More to the point, is at that place a religion that can solely be sourced to origins on American soil? The answer is yes. Both Mormonism and Scientology have roots deeply planted in American culture. However, around 25,000 Americans apply Scientology and an estimated 6. 1 Million Americans practice Mormonism. That makes up 1.8% of Americans, in supplementition to that most Americans dont recognize Scientology as a real religion and Mormonism fall under the Christianity branch of belief. So what ideas are truly native the country. I believe you must add native Australian American Spirituality to this argument as a source of religion truly sourced and founded in America as it is bel t up practiced by a vast majority of living Native Americans. But in order to get to that we must first talk about the origins of Christianity as it stands with Americans today.2. As it is true that Christianity is the most prevalent religion in America, It is also true that Christianity was brought to this soil with the first settlers. In England you had two choices for worship, The Roman Catholic Church and The Church of England. Both Christian churches, and theses settlers knew nothing but that so it comes to no surprise that those are the two major influences on American religion and spectrality. It should also be noted that those settlers wanted to distance themselves from Englands brand of religion so badly that the First Amendment of the Constitution explicitly lays out the separation of Church and State1. Christianity then splintered off into the various denominations that we have today, yet all of those styles still have the same foundation that can be traced back to Rome or England. Native Americans on the other hand dont have those same beliefs. While Christianity focuses on a One true higher(prenominal) Power, Native Americans look more to selection of Spiritual figures known as Deities.3. Native American culture focuses more on the soil, Weather, Sky and Sprits who manifest physical coordinate as Deities. Depending on the culture these beings can be attributed to almost everything that is possible or could be possible. In most Native American Cultures there isalways one deity that creates man but, they are not always benevolent. The Abenaki and the Algonquian tribes believe that vitality was created out wood, stone and other earthly elements by Tabaldak so that the earth could be full. If you follow the Navajo the Earth itself was created by Asdz Ndleeh, she was also responsible for the stars and sky2. So who is right and who is wrong? No one can say. Most of these deities are created in myths and stories passed down from generation to generat ion.But the message is the same across the tribes, divide thanks for what we have for it is not always promised. Now that we have an idea as how Native American Culture sees religion, lets see if matches up with how American Culture sees it. 4. In Conclusion, we have seen how the most prevalent form of spirituality in American in not was actually brought in from England. That religion lays out the idea of a Supreme God who commands from Heaven and is omnipotent.While the Native American Culture has its religious and spiritual roots found on American soil. They champion multiple deities who are responsible everything from creation to the raw material things like food and water. The one thing they both have in common is you are judge to be a good wholesome person or you will be judged for you actions. In the hereafter for the Christians or when you just so happen to come across whatever deity you have pained with the Native American Culture. So no matter what you happen to believe in remember to be a good person and be ready to be responsible for your actions.1 United States score website, http//www.u-s-history.com/pages/h3787.html 2 Wheelwright, Mary C. (2008) 1942. Navajo Creation Myth The Story of the Emergence. Forgotten Books. p.17
Friday, April 12, 2019
Blood Brothers Essay Example for Free
Blood Brothers EssayIt feels like he is this omnipotent be and he is deciding the fate of only the children. Its almost as if he is the emotion that e very ane demands to avoid provided no one is doing anything nigh it, Mrs Johnstone carries on in her behavior pretending that she isnt superstitious and although there is this eonian voice inside her saying that she is and one day rice paddy and Edward be going to die. This voice is what the fibber is, he is fate and Mrs Johnstone chooses to ignore it but she knows you female genitalst change fate. On the gift he is of all snip there, he is omnipresent, this constant beingness there records that the thoughts of Mrs Johnstone atomic number 18 salvage there and that nonhing you do impart undo the past. Mrs Johnstone has to live with the decision of what she has do but she chooses to ignore it. The Narrator locoweed be viewed upon as the referee of life (or as you might God), you know the rules and now you have t o follow the rules (the superstition) but Mrs Johnstone turns a blind eye, for accepts about it and pretends that it will never happen, but she must follow the rules.Prejudice Prejudice is a fixed opinion, which is not based on a fair examination of the facts. The picture with the black and fresh boy and the so-called magical stick (simply because we dont know what it is) is a base of which umteen different scenes can be produced and discussions can take place. The children hail across as innocent, possibly that they have no causal agent to be prejudice against all(prenominal) other but through past happenings (lynching in America and the KKK) their parents indispensableness them to be prejudice to supposable keep them from harm.It shows that possibly prejudice to this degree is only set in motion if something terrible happens by a specific type of citizenry (the KKK sidesplitting black masses) and that when it comes take in to it the people themselves are not the same as the people who have done this feat. Suppose that everyone in the world was white and everyone was the same religion, height, age etc. but despite this the KKK would exist and the lynching would still go on people would find other way to view differences, where you live or eve your surname.My point is that I think its human nature to take a dislike against different people, if you escort back hundreds of years and people lived in remote places (tribes for example) and a tribe moved to join another tribe, because the new tribe is different it presents its self with a new variable, that it could jeopardise the well-being of the original tribe. So this original tribe will try and eliminate this variable (driving them away or even killing them) to stop it from harming their own tribe.You can translate this to the black people moving into America and the white people upkeep there trying to protect them by getting rid of any new assertable threat. paddy field and Edwards first meetin g and an evaluation of two groups Francis (me), Jamie and Barry There was a nice mime of the shoot from me as I sat on the apron of the stage. It was good because the gun I made in my hands by pointing one of my fingers out and it looked as though it was a gun because it took the form of a gun well.We did some good work even though we had only one lesson to get it done in. It was good work because we learnt most of our words and got the blocking sorted. The giggling after the F word was good because it was very childish because I and Jamie looked as if we were embarrassed. My body talking to was good, my arms movements were exaggerated and typical of a sevener year old because that is how the act with their arms. Even though Jamie lost his place in the play, he didnt come out of instance and got back on tracks very quickly.Very good facial and body language from all of use and especially me, me and Jamies facial expressions matched seven year olds expressions and Barrys face sho wed that he was roily despatch and he acted as though he was the boss by talking louder and demanding respect.We could of have improved by thoroughly learning the script and concentrating more on our actions. James and Richard Both of them learnt the script and did not sustain their place or forget their words.They didnt fully use their hand movement so they couldnt act merely as a seven year old would because people at that age use their hands. When they verbalise the F word they looked as though they were very excited and embarrassed. They looked like this because they acted as young people would when they heard a naughty word they did this by having wide eyes and giggling immensely. When James said pissed off it was well done because it sounded as though he really was pissed off.Only on one incident did James forget his words, but nether the less he still kept in character and sorted it out by referring to the script. What I have learnt about the class differences amidst t he twins I have learnt that Edwards class is most probably upper class either this or they are very rich middle class people. I have learnt that Mrs and Mr Lyons have a super etiquette way of living, for example they do not allow swearing of any form whereas with Mrs Johnstones way of living swearing occurs frequently.Mickeys class is probably lower class, which is they do not have a large keep down of bills or income. She has many children and works very hard for Mrs Lyons but still does not get a large income. I have learnt that its most likely that Mrs Johnstones family expresses their emotions more often than Mrs Lyons family this could be because Mrs Johnstone does not have as much material possessions compared with Mrs Lyons so she spends more term in her free time with her kids.On the contrast Mrs Lyons has many material possessions so she doesnt spend that much time with Edward because hes contend with his toys (for example). The changing attitudes between Mickey and E dward Through the play the twins attitude changes in aspects of their lives, for example them being note brothers forever and the relationship between each other. When they were two seven years old they took delight in knowing that they were born on the same day, moreover they made each other their blood brother.They were both immensely thrilled by this new bond they made and longed to be like each other. moreover when they grew older their views on being a blood brother changed, especially for Mickey who grows up and realises that he previous action of becoming a blood brother is childs play. He says that while no one was looking I grew up, and I think that because of his harsh life with not much money he stops believing in the childish act and starts realizing that he has to open his eyes and stop playing games.However with Edward he hasnt got a single worry in his life because he has mussinesss of money a good social life and really not many initial puzzles at all so because of this he still believes in this blood brother stuff because he hasnt grown up and found out what the world was really like. He still lives in a pampered world where anything he wants (and because he is an only child he is spoilt) he gets, he can afford to play games and Mickey cant. Edward doesnt realize no important a job is, whywhy is a job so important because he can live off his parent income if he wants to, but Mickey knows that without a job hell have no money and because he mum cant afford pleonastic school he cant get the grades to get a good job. Mickeys attitude towards life changes the most, when he was seven he saw everything as a game and didnt have any real problem to worry about. Although as he grows up he realises that he needs money and a quiet income and him being a blood brother with Edward is alone a childrens game.On the other hand Edward has at rest(p) to university, he can use his parents money to give him anything he wants and he hasnt yet realised wha t life is really like when your throw in the deep end without any support, so because of this his attitude of being a blood brother hasnt changed dramatically. How we acted these changes out We acted out the first time Mickey and Edwards first meeting, this showed that they are immensely fascinated with each other and wanted to be just like each other, furthermore on top of this they are born on the same day and become blood brothers.To show further how this friendship was good I wrote a monologue wake how Edward was dumfounded with Mickeys knowledge and who he is and that he wants to play and be friends and blood brothers forever. Later on in the play where the most time and the most dramatic difference was noticeable where they had spent the most time away form each other was when Edward got back to Mickey from university. We acted this out in a workshop and showed that Mickey was super blank by his job and Edwards fortune.Edward had friends he had money and he had just come ba ck from university and he had a great time, whereas Mickey was just working for minimal pay putting together cardboard boxes. When we witness Edward and Mickey meet for the first time Mickey expresses that he hasnt grown up and he makes him sick. Mickey has put up with so much when Edward was at university and his nerves were stretched to breaking point and as curtly as the person who is most like him in the world comes home and sees that he is doing very well, he snaps mentally. I think that this is why he is forced into taking drugs.We acted this difference out by showing that Mickey was very smoldering and livid by the thought of Edward and that he saw him self as a failure, no job and even when he had one it was a very poor job, and Edward doing extremely well makes him feel even worse. The workshop During the workshop I learnt that gesture and hand movements are very important to express emotions and that it isnt all through the voice. I learnt that you can use swear words, gesture and actions which wake something in the audience but only once or twice because after a join of times it doesnt have the same effect that it has the first time.I learnt to know that when your on the stage its your stage no one elses so you do not have to rush what you are saying because you are the one on stage and nobody is their to take it away space between what you are saying. as well as that when Mickey is angry and listing all the things that he is angry about I know that it is a good idea to rise in anger as you progress, because Mickey thinks of one thing which makes him angry then he says another and he knows that there are many things that he is angry about so it topples on top of all the things he is angry or upset about in one frame of mind.In the workshop I learnt that you must always try your best if you want to become an actor (or any other profession) and that if you have an ambition, you should pursue it fully. The best performance When the people in our group performed I thought that Ned performed well although there is only one criticism I can offer. His charisma on the stage is very good he projects his voice and shows very well what the character is feeling.When he was playing Mickey and expressing how Mickey felt about his life he did it in such a way that you felt very sympathetic towards him me must have emphasised a lot to understand what he feeling. The only criticism I can make is that when he acts as though he is upset or angry he tends to do it all the same. His acting at expressing those emotions are very good but he tends to do the same acting for different characters. I just feel that not everybody is angry or upset in the same way, there are many different ways of being angry so I think he should a large variety of different ways of expressing different emotions.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
Critical Reading and Response on the Article “Letting Go†Essay Example for Free
Critical Reading and Response on the Article Letting Go EssayIn the article Letting Go that was being published in The New Yorker, Atul Gawande addresses the issues regarding to the sure medical vexation constitution that fails to meet the needs of the patients with terminal tuberculousness. Gawande runs verboten that the patients want to spend to a greater extent quality time with their family members and having some special function moments rather than struggling to stay alive when they feel that the chances are thin. Knowing the time to let go was one of the crucial part of the art of expiry which people nowadays has forgotten. Gawande argues that choosing the hospice care would sometimes be a breach choice for the terminally ill patients.He uses statistics such that the patients that choose hospice lives longer or than new(prenominal) patients and they tend to suffer lesser to view as his argument. Hospice care tends to go with less pain treatment and focuses on the needs of the patients. It increases the quality of life of the patients during the last moments of their live. The patients family members are less the likely to suffer from depression when they defy chosen to go with the hospice care in the first place because they have secured themselves to face the death of the patient when time has come.Gawandes argument is that the medical care system nowadays fails to meet the needs of the patients. His argument is convincing because he appeals to the emotions of his reader through twain his own and others fuck off and statistics.Gawande reels in his readers attention and interest through some of the real life experience before he educates them. That makes it easier for the readers to absorb what Gawande is stressful to deliver to his audience. In order to make it even more(prenominal) convincing, Gawande uses two extreme facial expressions as a equality to prove his point that hospice care would be the better choice for terminall y ill patients.He uses the story of the lucky guy-Dave Galloway who died at home, at peace, and surrounded by family contrast with the poor old lady-Lee Cox who was died due to cardiac arrest and followed by a serial of actions to bring her back to live. They pulled off her clothes and pumped her chest, put a tube in her air hose and forced oxygen into her lungs, and tried to see if they could shock her heart back (Gawande 133). Such contrast comparison and strong words that would impact the readers thoughts on how the process of death can vary through distinct circumstances. After that, he again embraces the benefits of choosing hospice care rather than going to hospital for intensive medical treatments. opposite than that, Gawande uses research statistics to support his argument. A study led by the Harvard researcher Nicholas Christakis found out that sixty-three percent of doctors all overestimated survival time and the average estimate was 530 percent too high (Gawande 136) . The statistics shows that how the medical system is failing to help the patients to get a grasp on how much time they still have in order to achieve the things that they want in live before their last breath. Since the research was carried out within the well-known institution-Harvard University, readers tend to believe the statistics more and agree upon Gawandes view. By doing this, Gawande was trying to point out the flaw in our medical system so that his reader would be agreeing upon his argument.Gawande also uses assorted statistics to support his argument. Executives at Aetna, the insurance company, started a two-year study on letting a sort out of policyholders with a life expectancy of less than a year to receive hospice services without forgoing other treatments. The response is that the people that have chosen hospice service leaped from 26 percent to 70 percent (Gawande 142). The result shows that people were visiting the hospital lesser after they were introduced to hospice care. Gawande was trying to use the statistics to tell the readers that in that location were a lot of people that was in the same situation as they are, and they have chosen hospice care over hospital treatment after trying it. That implies that the hospice care would benefit the patients more than the hospital would.The overall twist of the Gawandes article was well organized. He was able to convince his readers by giving a primary(prenominal) idea of what he is trying to deliver through stories and so continue by some straight-forward points that he made. He then supports his arguments with examples to further enhance his point. The wording that he uses is simple yet it gives the readers some images that attribute with their emotion. For example, Sara would always arrive smiling, makeup on and bangs bobby-pinned out of her eyes. Shed find small things to laugh about, like the tubes that created strange protuberance under her dress (Gawande 137). Gawande was trying to show that how sad it could be when a somebody is going through those surgery and treatment in order to get fixed. He would then use that emotion to bring up the point that is other solution to this problem which is the hospice care.I do think that the trustworthy medical care system doesnt meet the needs of the patients as there are some miscommunications between doctors and their patients. Doctors were always looking at the bright side of the illness of their patients which is unsloped in some sense but at the same time, they have to prepare the patients for their worst case scenario. It is hard for the patients to accept the truth that their illness were beyond repair and doctors educate them to accept the truth so that they could go through a less torturing path for their spare life.So, what I am trying to say is that we shouldnt lose hope but at the same time we have to prepare our self for the worst outcome. If prolonging the patients life means that they have to suffer from surgeries and treatment that they need until the end of their life, wherefore not just do things that are more meaningful? Despite all the flaws that we had in our current medical care system, hospice care seems to be the solution for the problem because it offers comfort and satisfaction in the ratiocination life of the patients.
Tuesday, April 9, 2019
Internal Functions and External Relationships - NWTB Essay Example for Free
Internal Functions and outer Relationships NWTB EssayThe ICT section is concerned with patroniseing the other functions of the shaping and the clients extern in on the wholey of the organisation. Its job is to ensure that ICT is being employ as a support to help the other functions to operate as legally as possible. Mr Povey has been involved in the implementation of cadence kit throughout the NWTB as advantageously as the organisations with whom they pass water a descent externally. He has also been trusty for helping the clients (e.g. hotels, tourist attractions) to use ICT to efficaciously promote themselves and in beat it the Northwest as a tourist destination.The NWTB is aiming for private-enterprise(a) advantage, e.g. they want tourists to visit the Northwest more than than e very(prenominal) other locality in the UK. ICT give notice act as a tool to aid in the border of competitive advantage. The ICT surgical incisions region is to ensure that whilst IC T investment comes at a huge initial live to the organisation, it is worthwhile, leave al unrivaled offer up value for money and is necessary in the long run to ensure constancy and survival for the contrast in the future.Whether or not the ICT placements provide value for money will wager on how effectual the systems are that are implemented and how s puff up up the user uses them. The ICT section are responsible for evaluating the systems in place and updating them as necessary to ensure they continue to support as impertinent to hinder the operation of the organisations.The ICT department is split into 2 areas. The area responsible for maintenance of the current system and providing a service to the users within the organisation of the NWTB. This involves daily troubleshooting tasks like fixing broken machines and printers as well as maintenance of the network. It also involves the identification of education necessitates of those who use ICT within the NWTB as well as provision of training for those users. Secondly, the responsibility that Mr Povey has of promoting the telling use of ICT to destinations across the Northwest ensuring they can vie and provide tourists with excellent service e.g. by booking rooms or tickets on the internet or over the phone. This aspect of ICT falls mainly under the Operations function of the NWTB because it is this aspect of ICT that covers the providing of a service. The NWTB provides a service to its members e.g. the local anaesthetic hotels and tourist destinations, helping them to employ effective ICT systems, they in turn can provide a come apart, more competitive service to tourists. Mr Poveys role does not involve in whatsoever counselling the maintenance of the systems used by members, he simply acts as an advisor to members and can inform them of any funding they whitethorn apply for to help with purchasing ICT equipment. He does also help to identify training inquires of members and organise tra ining events.Some of the benefits of using ICT within the NWTB* Improved accuracy from basic type of letters to automation of monetary spread canvas tents* Faster souring leading to faster responses e.g. e-mail communication amongst departments, purchase monastic orders being completed using computers etc.* Information available for lie withment that previously wouldnt abide been available in time or may not imbibe been in enough expound or as concise* Tighter control as a result of easily accessible fiscal information* Reduced cost as staff can be more productive with the support of ICT e.g. use of mail merge reduces the time and effort required for typing and sending a standard letter to a number of clients.* New sources of information to allow for improved marketing* Faster, more effective communication with regional and gunman regional partners* Some of the benefits of using ICT to the NWTB members* Promotion can advertise to a wider audience not previously reached because of distance from the location, via Internet.* Sales improved marketing information results in change magnitude sales. Ability to sell tickets and accept on-line booking improves sales as the business takes available to a wider audience* Management information increased advanced ticket sales and bookings enables management to plan better and so be better prepared for requirements in terms of stock levels, number of staff needed, auto parking issues etc.* Access to competitor information using the Internet management can inquiry into what competitors are doing e.g. special offers and can compete with their own publicity ideas.* Production of promotional materials management can use their own systems to produce their own leaflets and flyers so saving money on printing costs* Financial Information management can store details in an automated spreadsheet making financial monitoring and planning quick and easy.* Data Storage management can store information approximatel y clients on a database which requires littler physical space and can be searched more quickly as opposed to sifting through a tremendous paper establish directory or file to play customer details.* Faster, more effective customer services customers can be dealt with quickly and efficiently if business data is stored on an easy to use system e.g. hotel booking systems. On some hotels customers can run up a bill using the bar, restaurant, leisure facilities etc if the business has a centralised computer based facility. clients can see their billing information for a stay in the hotel on one printed sheet as opposed to financial backinging hold of a number of receipts. The customer is not required to collapse for services individually as they pay for everything at the end. This can enhance the customers experience of staying in a hotel. Happy customers will usually spread the reciprocation and recommend a hotel to friends and relations as well as planning a return visit themselv es. This all helps the businesses in their pursuit of competitive advantage.* more(prenominal) effective communication the businesses will be able to communicate with clients, suppliers, service providers etc via e-mail.How does ICT help NWTB to operate effectively?Suppose that there was a huge tourist event being organised in Southport. thence there are a number of jobs to be through with(p) within the NWTB to ensure the promotion and success of this event.The marketing department will carry out some research to establish the make-up of the direct audience for the event and will then decide on the best methods of promotion for the event. For example, texting a large group of people, producing and displaying posters throughout the region, distributing flyers, sending leaflets directly to peoples houses, radio and TV advertising etc. ICT may be used to design a questionnaire to establish the soft touch audience and those interested in attending the event. ICT may be used to in put and analyse information about the potential audienceThe marketing department will have a large database with the details of people who have been to events in the past and will also have access to information about the make-up of households in the area. ICT may be used to access databases with peoples contact details and mail merge this with a standard letter to be send to the households of the target audience.merchandising will need to speak to finance about the available budget for promotion and advertising. A spreadsheet may be used to calculate the amount of money available from the NWTB budget. A upgrade spreadsheet may be created by the marketing department to allow them to keep track of all financial transactions that take place in relation to this particular event. This may also help them to make meaning(a) decisions about how much to spend on aspects of the promotion.Information will be sent to local hotels and guesthouses about the event to inform them that there may be business to be gained from the event in that people who attend from outside the region will need somewhere to stay. This may be done using e-mail and attachments.Marketing will need to send copies of invoices and bills for the production of leaflets, posters etc. to the finance department so that the finance department can pay the bills.Administration will be responsible for word processing and sending the standard letter to households promoting the event.After the event the marketing department will need to evaluate the success of the event and its impact on the region. Was the event worthwhile to the region? They will need to collect and analyse information from a variety of sources to assess its impact. ICT will be useful at all stages in this complex evaluation process.What are the external relationships that NWTB has?Department for Culture, Media and Sport National take aimDCMS champions good quality and service for tourists, from the UK and overseas. We encourage and help the tourism exertion to improve what it has to offer for all our visitors and to promote a positive image abroad.Tourism PolicyDCMS Ministers are very keen to rise and reform the tourism patience, working more closely than before with the industry, and current tourism policy is cogitate on improving structures, marketing, data, quality and skills, as follows* The industry has formed a youthful body, the Tourism Alliance, to make for its views better to government and catalyse actions to help delivery of policy objectives* VisitBritain was set up on 1 April 2003, bringing together the English Tourism Council (ETC) and the British Tourist Authority (BTA)* The relaunched body has a newborn and significant marketing role for England, including the phylogenesis of e-tourism* Funding which previously went to Regional Tourist Boards via the ETC will instanter be channelled via the Regional Development Agencies* Major reviews on quality and data have been initiated, consulting the industry and others as appropriate* Industry and Government are working in close partnership on the skills agenda, and the Government is strongly supporting the establishment of a Sector Skills Council for TourismCurrent policy as draw above builds upon Tomorrows Tourism, the Governments 1999 strategy for the development of tourism in England. Good progress has already been made in delivering Tomorrows Tourism, which has also brought together a number of Government departments who are working closely with DCMS and the tourism industry to implement the strategy. Important areas not mentioned explicitly above, such as sustainable development of tourism and increase access to tourism, are now considered as a matter of course in policy development and delivery.Support StructuresIn April 2003 the strengths and resources of the British Tourist Authority and the English Tourism Council were combined in one organisation, renamed VisitBritain.VisitBritain is responsible for promoting Brita in overseas and England to the domestic market. Its key roles are to boost Britains income from tourism through professional and effective marketing, and to provide a mannequin within which the tourism industry can work in imminent partnership. With its network of overseas offices, VisitBritain helps the over 120,000 tourism businesses in Britain reach overseas customers cost-effectively. For England, VisitBritain provides a central coordination role to make the most of the collective effort of all sectors promoting tourism in England to a domestic audience.A great role in tourism for Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) in England is a major anchor of the Governments programme of tourism reform. Since 1 April 2003, the RDAs are playing a stronger part in the strategic leaders of tourism, working both individually and together with each other within the new national framework for tourism strategy and marketing. The Regional Tourist Boards are the RDAs natural partners and will b e funded by the RDAs, for the attached three years at least, at a level equivalent to the project funding they accredited in 2002-03 from the former English Tourism Council. This amounts to 3.6 million per year.This arrangement excludes London, for which there are separate arrangements with the great London Authority.Regional Partners Other regions of the UK who all work together to help implememtn the strategy for the whole of the UK fill out Regional Partners regions that make up the Northwest. They share good practise and work together to promote the region as a whole.Lancashire Tourist BoardCheshire County CouncilNorth West Development AgencyThe Mersey PartnershipMarketing ManchesterCumbria Tourist BoardThe NWTB also has a relationship with a number of smaller businesses within the sub regioanl partners e.g. small hotels, tourist attractions etc.The NWTB also has a relationship with all the organisations listed below as a business cannot function independently of these.The Inland Revenue, Customs and Excise, Insurers, ISPs, Data service providers, Computer and communications equipment suppliers, courier Services, Utilities,Local authority departments, Advertising Agencies, Printer Firms.How is information used in the NWTB?Operations* Purchasing* rick Scheduling- The NWTB will use this daily as they need to gain up to date information from all organisations. They will need to know where employees are in case another job comes up that is more important.* Delivery- The NWTB would need to make sure its customers where kept up to date with the latest technology, besides, it is then up to the organisation as to whether they would like to utilise the technology. With small businesses the NWTB often spearheads the idea for the introduction of ICT into the business for more effective and efficient productivity. This means they may often have to supply their clients with computers in order to give them the best deal on, often, a small budget.Marketing* Market Trends- Systems for studying market trends need to record and impart data as defined by the current user, whether it be number of tourists visiting one attraction, or what attractions are open at that present time. Price and performance trends are also covered.* Analysis of competitive activity- The NWTB will be trying to make the northwest the best tourist destination in order to improve its reputation. They are constantly in competition with the other regions in the country. Within the NWTB you can sub-section the industry into different attractions, e.g. Hotels in one category and entertainment complexes in another. These sub- categories are in each have their own levels of competition in the northwest.* Planning and analysis of promotional campaigns- This is vital to the efficient running of the NWTB, they target not only small businesses in the promotions, but also the larger more established organisations that have more power to bring more tourists.Sales* Receiving and loggi ng of customer orders* Invoice production* Customer details* Recording all sales visits and other sales activityThe ICT department have an important role in designing, introducing, and developing e-commerce systems. E-commerce is one of many vogues a client of the NWTB can become a much more successful firm without the need of expansion. It allows small firms to broaden horizons, they do however take a number of months to become profitable and implementing them often takes a lot of time and effort, however, in the market today it is very easy to provide e-commerce safely and securely.The sales department would also keep a list of customers and clients on record. They will use these to keep details like address, e-mail address, purchase history, current sale status, and sales person dealt with in the transaction.Research and Design* Product design- The design process would be carried out using CAD, this allows the design department to produce lots of designs very quickly, it also a llows the drawings to be much more accurate. This process also allows designs to be inter-compatible.* Engineering design- Due to CAD the design process becomes much quicker, in the production of advertisements it becomes much easier to edit motion clips on a computer very quickly. On a static poster you can retouch the elements present within it.* Analysis of new developmentsfinance* Sales, purchase and nominal ledgers* Credit control* Payroll* Payments in and out, including EFT* Budgets, projections and accounts* Historical financial recordsFinance has to be able to give instant statements on the financial situation in the company to the directors, on request.EFT stands for electronic funds transfer. It refers to any use of computers in making payments to organisations or individuals. It is a rapid way of transferring money, but raises doubts about security.These administrative applications are largely similar between one organisation and another. thither is nonetheless an importa nt task for ICT to advise on the particular software products to be obtained.Administration* forcefulness records and pension scheme- personnel records include, for each employee name, home address and telephone number, NI number, employee number and department, DOB, sex, date of join company, job history before joining company, job history since joining, training, qualifications and skills.* Legal and statutory matters* Insurance* External authorities and contractors* Board meetings and annual general meetingsAs with the finance department, many of the systems used are world-wide throughout many different companies. The advice of ICT is likely to be both helpful to users and able to support the organisations policies on standardisation.The ICT DepartmentOne of the key roles of the ICT department is to explain the advantages that may be available for managers and their departments of making greater use of computer-based systems. The team needs to explain the structure and charact eristics of ICT projects.Another important task of ICT is to devise and manage centralised systems in the following areas* Procurement of computer equipment* Procurement of computing and communications equipment* Use of e-mail and other Internet access procedures* System development, testing and standardisation
Monday, April 8, 2019
Active Voluntary and Nonvoluntary Euthanasia Essay Example for Free
restless Voluntary and Non volunteer Euthanasia EssayThe line mercy killing originated from the Greek word for good death. It is the act or commit of culminationing the behavior of a soul either by lethal injection or the deferment of medical treatment (Munson, 2012, p. 578). umpteen view euthanasia as simply bringing relief by alleviating pain and suffering. Euthanasia has been a long-standing h sensationst debate for decades in the fall in States. Active euthanasia is only legal in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. aid suicide is legal in Switzerland and in the United States in the states of Washington, Oregon and Montana (Angell). Several surveys sharpen that roughly two thirds of the Ameri potentiometer public now support physician-assisted suicide, and to a massiveer extent than half the doctors in the United States do in any case (Angell). Active impulsive and un volunteer euthanasia matter because they allow the patient or family to beg off them of pain and suffering, and to cave in with lordliness and respect. In this paper I will argue that it is felonious and wrong to deny a patient the justly to ruin and that active intended and nonvoluntary euthanasia should be a legal practice in the United States.When denied the right to die one give the axe endure a tremendous amount of physiological and emotional pain. The 1973 case of Dax Cowart is a great ensample of this. Dax went through fourteen months of grueling, barbaric treatments of skin debriding, tank soakings, and dres drop the ballg changes. He comp ard the debridements to being skinned subsisting and the solutions poured over his skin were analogous having alcohol poured over raw flesh besides it burns more and longer (Asher). Dax requested on several different occasions to just leave him alone and let him die but all of his physicians refused his requests and kept going with their treatment plan.The physicians were going against the principle of non-male ficence, which states, Physicians have an obligation to do no harm to the patient (Munson, 2012, p. 892). Dax suffered through painful debridements for months without proper pain ascendance because his physicians were too worried about him becoming addicted to the pain medications. They knew how painful these debridements were for their patient and they continued to maintain the alike(p) treatment plan with no modifications.They deliberately violated the principle of non-maleficence. If active voluntary euthanasia were an satisfying practice in society, Dax ould have been able to refuse the treatments and die by behavior of infection, or a physician could have given him a lethal injection. Either of these options would have helped Dax to die keeping his wishes of dignity and respect intact. In this case, death is less harmful than the barbaric treatments that Dax had to endure for countless months. Today, many Americans are so concerned about the possibility of a lingering, h igh technology death that they are antiphonary to the idea of doctors being allowed to help them die (Angell). This is why we adopt to legalize active voluntary and nonvoluntary euthanasia in the United States.In an article from The New England Journal of Medicine, Marcia Angell states, The most important good principle in medicine is respect for each patients liberty, and that when this principle conflicts with others, it should almost always take precession (Angell). To deny psyche his or her autonomy is to treat that individual as something less than a psyche (Munson, 2012, p. 900). It is wrong to take control of someone elses life and to dictate their actions. Each person has a right to act autonomously in doing this they must have the ability to choose among different options.A compel option is no option at all (Munson, 2012, p. 901). Dax Cowart was denied his autonomy when the doctors would not listen to his wishes of wanting to die instead they did what they wanted. Mu nson states that, Making decisions for the good of others, without consulting their wishes, deprives them of their status as autonomous agents (Munson, 2012, p. 902). Dax was not given options to choose from, nor was his congresswoman heard at all in the process, which violated the entire principle of autonomy. It should have been his choice because it was his life.In a completely different case, Terri Schiavo was denied her autonomy when she was kept vivacious on a feeding tube, when she had previously stated this was not what she wanted if it ever came down to it. With our autonomy, we should have the right to say how and when we die. It should not be based solely on societies morals, values, and beliefs. No one else should have the right to decide how one ends their life, except for that person. We value our autonomy because we are more willing to live with our own choices then to have some carcass else decide for us.Active voluntary and nonvoluntary euthanasia give patients t heir autonomy and right to die with dignity. Active voluntary and non-voluntary euthanasia should be an approved practice because it allows patients who are in a persistent vegetive state the chance to die with dignity, while allowing their loved ones to keep their morals and values in place. Patients that end up in such unfortunate circumstances are unable to use their autonomy and bind decisions regarding their treatment and potential end of life care.Maintaining ones autonomy is part of a honour death. If these were approved practices, it would allow family members the chance to put an end to their loved ones suffering the way they would have wanted. It is un honest to force someone to do something against their will, as it is also immoral to make someone live if its against their wants or beliefs. On February 26, 1990, Terri Schiavo collapsed and unexpectedly went into a persistent vegetative state, where she remained for fifteen days by sustaining artificial hydration and n utrition through a feeding tube.Terri lost all dignity and autonomy when her terminal illness came, requiring care around the clock. Michael Schiavo believed that his wife would not want to be kept alive in her condition, which ultimately lead to his decision of discontinuing her feeding tube. After a long, tortuous thirteen days, Terri craved to death. The way Terri died was very inhumane and unethical however it is an approved practice in the United States that continues to be used even today.If active voluntary and non-voluntary euthanasia were an acceptable practice in the United States, patients like Terri would not have to die in such a barbaric way. It is unethical to allow a patient to starve to death, as it is also unethical to deny a patient the right to die (Munson, 2012). Non-voluntary euthanasia would have allowed Terri to die pain free with her dignity and wishes in place. In Timothy genus Calamuss article, Death and Dignity, A Case of Individualized Decision Making , he talks about his patient Diane, who was diagnosed with leukemia.Diane denied all treatments and eventually agreed upon home hospice care. It was extremely important to Diane to maintain control of herself and her dignity during the time remaining to her. She wanted to remain an autonomous person, and when this was no longer possible, she clearly wanted to die. She asked Dr. Quill for quiescency pills, which he wrote a prescription for knowing she had trouble sleeping, but also knowing it could be a means to an end when the time came for Diane. Diane was able to make an informed decision to take her own life and to die with dignity and her wishes respected in the end.Dr. Quill states, I know we have measures to help control pain and lessen suffering, to think that people do not suffer in the process of destruction is an illusion (Quill 2). This is why people in our society should be more open-minded to active voluntary and non-voluntary euthanasia. These two concepts can allow our terminally ill, suffering, loved ones to die with the dignity and respect they deserve, like Diane was able to do. Patients who are diagnosed with a terminal illness such as cancer or progressive neurologic disorders eventually become weak and adynamic.These patients end up relying on family, friends, and healthcare workers to help them do their activities of routine living such as batheing and eating. Many of these terminally ill patients lay in bed suffering, with home in quality of life, just waiting to die. These patients have lost their will to live and find no feel or simple pleasures left in life because their pain has become too unbearable. These patients suffer on a daily basis, while family and friends watch, helplessly as their loved ones decline day by day.It is unethical for society to expect these patients to go on with the quality of life they are maintaining. Terminally ill patients should be allowed to control their demise and end their suffering at their own disposal. Therefore, active voluntary and non-voluntary euthanasia should be a socially acceptable and approved legal practice in the United States. One could equalise the original argument saying that active voluntary and nonvoluntary euthanasia should remain illegal in the United States because it is inhumane and barbaric.Patients do have other options such as hospice programs and pain control. These provide alternating(a) options that can be ethically and morally acceptable in our society. There are a name of options to treat chronic pain such as narcotics. There are an enormous variety of narcotics on the market, all of which can be tried until a specific one is found to be to right for that patient. Palliative care and hospice programs are gaining more attention for the end of life care they provide for terminally ill patients.The goals of these programs are based on comfort care, dignity and respect to the terminally ill patient. These programs allow patients to die wit h their dignity, respect, morals, and values all in place. Due to the fact that there are other options lendable for terminally ill patients, other than death, active voluntary and non-voluntary euthanasia should remain an illegal practice in the United States. Another powerful argument made by Marcia Angell is that people do not need assistance to commit suicide, with enough determination they can do it themselves (Angell).People who are too debilitated for physical means can simply just stop eating and drinking and ultimately starve to death, while others given a terminal diagnosis, that have physical means, can end their lives by pills or a gun. This is another reason why active voluntary and non-voluntary euthanasia should remain an illegal practice in the United States. In response to this objection, a rule utilitarian could argue that, the taking of a human life is permissible when suffering is intense and the condition of the person permits no legitimate take to (Munson, 20 12, p. 84). Pain cannot always be controlled by narcotics and pain-alleviating techniques, there will always be a nonaged percentage of patients whose suffering simply cannot be adequately controlled. Palliative care and hospice programs are a great idea but are not available to everyone because not everyone has insurance and the means to afford them. They can be very pricy and space is very limited, even with insurance and affordability in place.Allowing active voluntary and nonvoluntary euthanasia would give patients more ethical options for death, rather then having to commit the ultimate sin of suicide by starvation or the use of a gun. It is unethical to make a person feel that starvation or the use a gun are their only options. Having the options that active voluntary and nonvoluntary euthanasia can give, would enable a patient to many more ethical options for death, which would ultimately, relieve family members from having to deal with the emotional pain and suffering of fi nding their loved ones mutilated body after a self inflicted suicide by use of a gun.Based on the ethical dilemma at hand, my three points have turn out that active voluntary and non-voluntary euthanasia should be a legal practice in the United States. One could object this, but I have proven my argument by the physiological and emotional pain one can endure when denied the right to die, by maintaining patients autonomy and dignity throughout the process, and by focusing on the quality of life for patients diagnosed with terminal illnesses.The long-standing ethical debate of euthanasia is decades old and will never have a perfect resolution, but one must take into account all sides of each argument to make an informed decision for their self. It is life-or-death that society remain open-minded regarding this issue. It is unethical to deny a person the right to die. Therefore, active voluntary and non-voluntary euthanasia should be made an approved and acceptable end of life medica l practice in the United States.
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