Saturday, August 31, 2019
Doris Lessing’s ‘To Room Nineteen’ and ‘Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ by Robert Louis Stevenson Essay
The concept of Simone de Beauvoir’s myth of women discussed in ‘The Second Sex’ was still very much prevalent in the 1960s when ‘To Room nineteen’ was set and certainly at the time of ‘Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’. In the 1960s, in accordance with the second wave of feminism, women were thought to be more conscious and aware of their rights as a woman because of the media (Hanisch)1 and this is what we, as a reader could easily deduce from the beginning of Doris Lessing’s ‘To room nineteen’. This new- found consciousness however some would argue was not the case during the 1960s and is certainly not the case in the text. ‘The Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ is a male dominated thriller where female instabilities are never exposed as females are hardly ever mentioned (Shuo and Dan, 2012)2. This Victorian marginalization of women was very common at the time and also links to woman being classified, according to Simone de Beauvoir in ‘The Second Sex’ as the ‘Other’ (de Beauvoir, 1949 p. 16)3 and not worthy of being the subject of the novella. Both texts involve the notion of a demon taking over the main character, whether this demon is a result of their own creation or a result of society. The following essay will attempt to draw similarities and differences between the two texts in relation to Simone de Beauvoir’s ‘The Second Sex’. ‘The Second Sex’ is arguably one of the earliest attempts to tackle human history from a feminist perspective4 and expresses the idea that men fundamentally oppress women by characterizing them as the ‘Other’. It states, ‘the moment when man asserts himself as subject and a free being, the idea of ‘Other’ arises (de Beauvoir, 1949 p. 19). Although in ‘To Room Nineteen’ it would appear that both Susan and Matthew are making a joint, educated decision by Susan quitting her job to raise the children and tend to her house, it appears to be more of a decision according to social expectations instead of what Susan really wants. Without a second thought ‘Susan became pregnant [†¦] gave up her job, and they bought a house in Richmond’. This sentence structurally is placed in the middle of a paragraph, not at the end or in a paragraph of it’s own. This would suggest that it is not a big decision that involves careful thought and planning but more something that was decided because it was the obvious decision. Susan made a ‘concession to popular decision’ or a decision that was implied by society to quit her job and a decision implied by society for Matthew to stay at work and earn an income to support the family. According to de Beauvoir, by Susan accepting her role as ‘Other’ this denies a great deal of her humanity thus culminating in her depression, hallucinations and eventual suicide. In ‘Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ as there is a distinct lack of female characters, this would imply that the males have taken the role of the ‘subject’ (de Beauvoir, 1949 p. 19) and free being as the Victorian culture would dictate. This would naturally then make the very few female characters mentioned in the novella assume the role of the object; constrained by the dominant male characters and being a type of humble, counterpart to males 5. The first mention of a female in the novella is the little girl that gets trampled. Enfield describes this encounter as â€Å"natural†(Stevenson, 1886 p. 9), which we as an audience know would clearly not be the case. The way in which Enfield blindly denies that this encounter was no accident highlights the solidarity of men 6and accentuates their power over helpless female characters. The little girl doesn’t come to great harm however does depend on others to help her this is because she is the ‘other’ (de Beauvoir, 1949); she is essentially seen as feeble and evil because men are unable to visualize themselves as such. The character of Susan, in ‘To room nineteen’ although seemingly independent and equal at the beginning of the text, becomes completely dependent towards the end. She relies on Matthew for comfort when she isn’t feeling herself and she eventually relies on him to give her the money so that she can rent out a room in a hotel; room nineteen. ‘She only had to run across and fling herself into them, onto his hard, warm chest, and melt into herself, into Susan’. This shows how Susan relies on Matthew to feel herself, without him she feels like a stranger: soulless, nothing. ‘She cannot think of herself without man†(de Beauvoir, 1949 p.16). At this point however she feels too distant from him that that place in his arms isn’t hers any longer and she eventually feels like ‘[†¦] an imposter’. In addition, although being dependant on Matthew, Susan is given the freedom to essentially do what she wants. Matthew gives her the money for the room, allows them to have an au pair girl and is even accepting of Susan’s fabricated lover. This would, at the surface go against de Beauvoir’s view of the ‘Other’ being a person who is not free. On closer examination however this statement seems to be fundamentally flawed. To Susan, even when alone in the house with Mrs. Parkes, she still feels a certain restraint and unavoidable attachment to her life and worries. When she first rents room nineteen, the texts quotes ‘She was alone. She was alone. She was alone.’ The repetition of this highlights how unhappy she is around the distractions and obligations of real, family life. It also points out how women, without the input of men can be completely happy without them, by themselves. In this text however Susan obviously cannot find complete happiness as she is tied to her family and tied to the cultural expectations of the time. When she talks to Miss. Townsend she conveys genuine jealousy and want for a life in solitude, ‘I wish I was absolutely alone in the world, like you’. This draws on the traditional objective in life to marry and have children not actually being the ideal for some women. In fact, being alone for Susan is the ideal and what we can note from this is even today, this can be the ideal for other women too. Matthew would be seen to have freedom and is definitely not concerned with conforming to social expectations when he so openly discusses his affairs. This may be because his role as a man dictates that he can behave how he likes and other woman, as they are the ‘Other’ (de Beauvoir, 1949), will not question him. When Susan questions as to why Matthew does not feel the same depression as her it states, ‘The good marriage, the house, the children, depended just as much on his voluntary bondage as it did on hers. But why did he not feel bound?’ This could arguably be because there is an unspoken pressure on Susan, as a woman from society, which is unknown to the couple. This makes all choices, seemingly decided by them both, actually decided by society. This unknown pressure on Susan is why Matthew doesn’t feel bound. The idea of freedom is also prevalent in ‘Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’. If the women detailed in the novella are of low social status, thus assuming the role of the object and other which is limited and oppressed then arguably Dr. Jekyll should be completely free and not restrained by these classifications. The monster that is Mr. Hyde however slowly takes over Dr. Jekyll until he is no more and nothing but the monster that remains. ‘This brief condescension to my evil finally destroyed the balance of my soul’, marks the point where Dr. Jekyll knows that the monster will soon completely take over and thus Dr. Jekyll will no longer have any control or freedom over his body and over his actions. The novella describes the duality of man and not the duality of women. The Victorian era in which it was written would suggest that this is because women are just pleasing objects to be viewed and do not have a complex nature about them; they are submissive creatures that will adhere to the role that men give them and are essentially unsophisticated. De Beauvoir states a woman’s function is, ‘simply what man decrees; thus she is called the sex’ (de Beauvoir, 1949 p. 16) by which we can deduce that in terms of the novella, the female characters are only there to serve the men, not having a brain of their own and to be complacent in all aspects of their lives. This quotation also has sexual connotations. If women are called ‘the sex’ then this could mean that women appear to men, chiefly as sexual beings. De Beauvoir states that there ‘is an absolute human type, the masculine. Woman has ovaries, a uterus; these peculiarities imprison her in subjectivity, circumscribe her within the limits of her own nature’, (de Beauvoir, 1949, p.15) meaning that women are discriminated against because of their sexual organs which, through physical and hormonal differentiation paves the way for female oppression. The character of Susan in ‘To room nineteen’ towards the end of the text doesn’t feel like a woman any longer. On thinking about when all of her children are ‘off her hands’ during school term it states, ‘She would turn herself back into being a woman with a life of her own’. Her having children and her using her reproductive organs to produce children makes her feel like t hat is all she is; a mother, a womb but not a woman (de Beauvoir, 1949 p. 13). If having children then for Susan means that you are not a woman then this does pose the reader with the question, ‘what makes a woman?’ De Beauvoir states, ‘One is not born but rather becomes a woman’ (de Beauvoir, 1949). For Susan, this could mean that the qualities of a woman are not innate but rather learned either from society or from oneself. De Beauvoir believes that all beings have the right to define themselves however for Susan this seems to already have been done for her by society even though she appears seemingly free. Her decisions are always in accordance to society’s expectations. She wants desperately to become the woman that she was before she quit her job and had children however this is impossible for her, resulting in the loss of her voice as a character and the physical loss in voice from her suicide. This idea of voice is important, as although Susan is the main character of the text and her feelings and attitudes are foregrounded, this is not the case in her communication with others. She feels like she needs to lie to almost every other character in the text, most probably because she feels like her thoughts are too different than the social norm to be voiced. When Matthew knows that Susan is hiding something, Susan ‘[†¦] Understood that he hoped she did have a lover, he was begging her to say so, because otherwise it would be too terrifying’. This highlights how isolated she is feeling. Like the demon that eventually takes over Dr. Jekyll, a devil takes over Susan and she feels like her once loving, equal partner who she so carefully waiting longer than her friends to marry is now someone who she fears will ridicule her and be unaccepting of the devil voice that slowly takes over her. Lessing describes Susan’s devil as being ‘perhaps a middle-aged man pretending to be young’. The characterization of the devil being a man, could be seen as a metaphor for the males and men in society, although not voicing their opinions out loud any more, their views have become rooted in women’s minds thus again highlighting this unspoken pressure. The comparison to the devil being a ‘middle-aged man pretending to be young’ could suggest how even though women’s suffrage is moving forward and men are becoming more accepting of woman’s rights, they are always going to have the slightly discriminative view of the older generation as they have been raised on these views. It could be suggested that it is the lack of a significant female voice in ‘Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ that drives men to become their dark side. Thus, Stevenson deliberately decided to foreground the voice of men and leave out any major details about the female characters. The novella ultimately illuminates the instabilities of men, which, in turn, highlights the stabilities of women. It was not a woman that led to the eventual downfall of Dr. Jekyll it was the monster that the man created or the monster that was always a part of the man. On the surface, ‘To Room Nineteen’ tells the story of an unfulfilled woman in 1960s suburbia and ‘Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ deals with issues about the duality of man, without mention of women however as previously stated there are deeper issues entailed in both. Both texts deal with the problems surrounding female identity and voice and the consequences when this voice isn’t expressed. ‘To Room Nineteen’, being written by a woman, questions the voice of women by letting the reader know her inner thoughts but not letting other characters know them. ‘Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde’ being written by a man cleverly underlines the questions around the position of women in society by hardly including them in the novella at all which was very common for literature in the Victorian culture. Both use different techniques however it could be argued that the main idea that can be taken from a feminist reading of these texts is that in order for equality of genders to progress and for females to be content, they must not allow their feelings to be suppressed by individuals or society as a whole. The characters in both texts choose to ignore the suppression of women and Simone de Beauvoir in ‘The Second Sex’ chooses to bring them to our attention. In order to maintain a healthy and balanced existence, men and woman need to be equal and not be classed as the ‘other’ or the ‘object’. Without this, men and women are destined to fail.
Undoubtedly considerable changes in policing
The area of policing in developed countries has seen a substantive growth in interest among stakeholders forcing curious minds to flounder through WebPages and archives in search for vital information about the systems of policing and new trends.Undoubtedly, considerable changes in policing have occurred recently for reasons such as improved technology, change in culture and expectations of the citizens, increased knowledge, among others. Notably, different countries have different policing system depending on the objectives of the country and its historical background. (Manning 2005)Brief historyPolicing in the UK has been in existence for centuries i.e. since the Saxon times. However, modern policing systems can be dated back to the beginnings of the 19th century, where law enforcers were appointed in localized areas. Originally, the guards policed towns in order to ensure that curfews were adhered to and to contain riots.For example the Edinburgh town guard in 1682, Marine police, Glasgow police which were all formed in the late 18th century. In fact the first police in UK was the city of Glasgow police formed under the Glasgow police Act in the 1800. The police was a publicly funded program from local tax payers’ money and its duty was to prevent crime.The success of this force in that localized area was followed by its subsequent adoption in other areas. Additionally, committees were appointed to investigate of the policing in these areas from 1812-1822 and their findings and recommendations paved way for the incorporation of the metropolitan police Act 1829 under the instruction of Robert Peel, the then Home secretary.Following the passing of this Act the Metropolitan police was founded. Hirschel, David J. and William Wakefield. 1995The policing structure here was highly bureaucratic rigorous and hierarchal. Their duty still remained to prevent crime and trail law breakers, in an unrestricted approach. The police of those days did not carry any armament due to the previous fears ingrained in citizens by the red dressed armies who used firearms and brutality to enforce laws.Therefore, their weaponry was limited to batons. Their uniform was navy blue in color, a sharp distinction from that of the army, although there were also plain-clothed police detectives but few in number. These differences were in part to create a clear distinction of police from civilians/army and also to eschew the potential of generating fear from civilians. Of course after the establishment of Metropolitan police in Britain, other states followed suit.In 1857, the general police Act in Scotland mandated the formation of country police force in every country, in 1856, England and Wale passed the country and Borough Act which required that police forces be created throughout England and Wales Ireland followed in1877 by forming the Royal Irish constabulary. ( all the states in the United Kingdom had enforced law enforcement unit (police forces) which since then have undergone reforms to improver efficacy and to streamline the mandates and responsibility of the police force.The US police system borrowed from that of its colonizers the Europeans thus they have an array of similarity. The first police force in the US was found in Boston and in New York as established in 1838 and 1844 respectively. However the first professionalized police force started in California, under August Vollmer and Wilson O.E then police chief.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo
I was in my fourth year high school since I last watch a play. It was about El Filibusterismo, the second novel of Dr. Jose Rizal. I somewhat forgot the story of the two popular novels of Rizal that is why I was so excited to watch the play of the Dulaang UP, Noli me Tangere: The Opera. It was not a usual play compared to the plays I had watched during my high school days. It was not a normal act that the actors/ actresses must play the role assigned to them and say their lines followed in the script. In an opera they needed to execute a dramatic work combining text (libretto) and musical score. It is really difficult to perform in a musical play and also the fact that performing in front of many people is uneasy. But as I watch the play, the characters were comfortable and love what they are doing which I really liked about them. Many years have passed so my knowledge about the novel is very little. But the play gave a better way of telling and understanding the story. So as it came along I have remembered the novel scene by scene and chapters by chapters. The play inspired me in a better appreciation of Rizal’s Noli me Tangere because I truly felt the emotions showcased by the performers. It was full of passion. You will really feel the nationalism being portrayed by the actors in the play. It made me realized the importance and the role of the two novels, Noli me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, in helping the Filipino people to become conscious that the doings of the colonizers were inhumane. It is no doubt that these novels were one of the reasons that boosted and led our heroes to revolt against the Spaniards. It was my first time to watch an opera and it was splendid. Since it was my first, I really watched the play very well. I was truly amazed with the voices of the actors and actresses especially the one who were playing as Maria Clara. I was hook with her voice throughout the play because of its wide range and it was so extreme. The accompaniment made the production complete. It gave the wonderful voices of the young and talented artists to be more powerful and pleasant to hear. It also gave the story more life and made the audience to feel the emotions of the actors. The setting was full of Philippine indigenous materials and the costumes of the performers were made of inabel cloth which created a good connection to the audience. It helped them to sense the past and to think about the cultures, beautiful places, clean surroundings, traditions, customs and beliefs that we have before. The choreography, special props, lightings and sound effects made the production enjoyable to watch, livelier and more intense. Sum it all up, the presentation was truly great. But I know they are still lot of rooms for improvement. They can still make the play to be more interesting and more enjoyable to watch. So if I were to rate the production, five (5) being the highest and one (1) being the lowest, I would give them a four (4).
Thursday, August 29, 2019
See description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3
See description - Essay Example It has been known that many workers in the third world countries are not given proper care in their workplaces and thus this has lead to adversary affects to the health of these workers. The affects are so adverse at times that a precious life of a worker is lost during this process. Similarly these unsafe practices at the work places also lead to great economic losses to the companies. These adversary affects has led many of the research departments to look for a solution to this problem. As it can be seen nowadays that almost every company takes measures to ensure that their workers are being given an environment which is safe and healthy for them. An example can be quoted here of Deere & Company. The workers in this company work in the circle of forestry and other turf care stuff. The company has made efforts in the past to reduce injuries and provide proper safety to its workers. Moreover, the company has introduced special workers who are in charge of checking any sort of health issues to the workers during their practice of work. The Human Resources has been assigned the job of not only making sure that the workplace is safe but also assigns it to make sure that the workers are aware of healthy and safe practices during work. Hr is supposed to inform its workers as to which practices during work are safe and which are not. They should also inform the workers as to why these practices are safe. This problem of safety and health has become a problem of global intensity and thus organizations from all over the world are making sure that the workers are provided with safety and health. Two major organizations which ensure safety and health in workplace are International Labor Organization and World Health Organization. It has also been seen that the nature of a job can lead to certain safety and health concerns at the workplace. Thus it is the duty of the hr to make sure that the nature of the job is properly sought so that the employees are satisfied and not
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Current event summary Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Current event summary - Personal Statement Example he comprehensive history of Luther is one that explains a leader who was willing, and motivated the society towards championing for their rights (Fandel & Bascle 28). The history of America is one that recalls the towers built by Luther that are transmitted from one generation to the next. Achua &Lussier indicate that Desmond Tutu is a leader that portrayed a lot servant leadership (332). Tutu derived a lot of meaning from an apprehension that their legacy is crucial in providing their followers with a foundation of self development, accord and companionship (Achua &Lussier 332). Tutu was a charismatic leader who made numerous sacrifices and suffered meaningfully on behalf of his people (Achua &Lussier 332). Abrams says that Thambo Mbeki is a leader that will be remembered for his commitment to leadership (88). He was dedicated and devoted to the people of South Africa, and fought continuously for his people. He is remembered for his fight against apartheid, and as a president, he attempted to heal the wounds of oppression from previous decades (24). Curtis & Manning is of the thought Adolf Hitler is one that is a good example of negative historical significance (23). Hitler as a leader during his tenure in 1919-1945, is indicated to have a lot of weaknesses, and used suggestion to lead (Curtis & Manning 23). Though Hitler had a good beginning, he had numerous personal weaknesses that led to his isolation, and label as a dictator (Curtis & Manning 23). Niagawoe is of the opinion that Charles Taylor, as a leader is one of the major contributors of the Liberian civil war (21). Taylor is accused of corrupt scandals that siphoned a lot of funds from the Liberian government. With crimes against humanity befalling his shoulders, Taylor has a lot of cases to answer with the International Criminal Court. Laufs says that Robert Mugabe is yet another leader that displayed vices of a manipulative leader (18). Mugabe is a leader that has resulted to not embracing
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Using the literature about Integrated Marketing Communication (Write Assignment
Using the literature about Integrated Marketing Communication (Write evaluation of the articles) - Assignment Example In fact, the creative thinking and analytical reasoning would assist in producing and offering cool goods and services to uncool masses. Southgate (2003) did not collect any quantitative data rather used qualitative methodology and provided an in-depth theoretical insight over aforementioned concepts. The research would like to argue that the increase in competition among business entities has also compelled the strategic planners to formulate new procedures, implement new marketing techniques and create new products to entice maximum customers in the marketplace. Nevertheless, the firms today have greater emphasis on value proposition, brand recognition and equity, product differentiation, innovation, positioning, social networking and cool hunting. Southgate (2003) and (Gurrieri, 2009) elaborated on a relatively new terminology ‘cool’ that refers to supreme or premium quality, which enhances the credibility, authenticity, durability and status of a particular product. The proponents continued that the ‘cool’ tempts potential customers and triggers their purchase responses. In my words, ‘cool’ becomes a symbol of excellence for uncool masses, which later adopt or imitate the idea initially endorsed by the cool people. In lay man’s te rm, a cool could be an extra ordinary person who generates or endorses a unique, distinctive or innovated idea, which is mimicked by masses normally considered as the followers rather thinkers. Southgate (2003) also discussed ‘cool hunting and cool hunters’ in detail to provide readers an insight over aforementioned terminologies and how they relate to contemporary marketing. As far as ‘cool hunting’ is concerned, the researcher would agree with the fact that it has become extremely popular as many large scale domestic and multinational companies with extensive resources as they have inclination to
Monday, August 26, 2019
Professional Music Reviews Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Professional Music Reviews - Essay Example Music is categorized on the basis of its musical compositions which tell the audience if it is a country music or pop, jazz or rock, classic or reggae. The second common element between all the music reviews is the â€Å"basic introduction†of the music album that is under review. Basic introduction gives the audiences an idea about the singer or the band, their popularity ratio and the number of hit tracks produced by them. Music reviews as published in Kansas City and Metacritic discuss the music albums track by track and according to the musical composition. Every single track in the album is reviewed by the critics in depth. From lyrics to musical composition of all the songs are discussed step by step. Comparison of under reviewed music with other contemporary singers or bands is another essential element of these music reviews. Strong content, information on music and poetic terms play an important role in writing a professional music review. It is important to understand the value of a professional music review which not only gives the audiences complete information on a specific piece of music but, also creates interest in their minds. Thriller is a masterpiece album composed and launched by the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. Thriller is another pop album produced by the King of Pop which will always be remembered for years. Michael Jackson proved his excellent command over pop music and beautiful compositions that helped him turned into a music legend. In short we can say that, Thriller is one of the best albums which gave a sudden boost to MJ’s musical career. As soon as Thriller was released, this magnificent album broke all the records of popularity and stayed on musical charts for about 80 weeks (Erlewine). Thriller has proved itself as one of the â€Å"most in-demand musical album†all round the world. Thriller holds different
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Risk Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Risk - Coursework Example tegies used by the corporate managers in relational to effective financial planning to meet organization needs regard the financing, capitalization, budgeting and risk management. The perception of various risk influence corporate financial strategies in order to minimize a risk and maximize returns. This document focuses on various types of risks facing businesses and their effects on corporate financial strategy. This is the uncertainty that the organization may obtain lower profits than anticipated in case of unforeseen events occurring. For example, when sales volumes declines, cost of inputs increases, economic climate or government regulations change they may result in loss instead of anticipated profits (Bender & Ward, 2012). In a case of high business risks, the corporates may finance business activities with capital bearing less debt ratio to ensure it can meet financial obligations whenever they are due. Credit risk is the risk that the borrower may fail to repay the borrowed amount and interest charges when they are due. Lenders may incur additional cost to insure their loan portfolios in order to minimize the loss or borrowers are required to use security or guarantees before they acquire the loan (Bender & Ward, 2012). This affects corporate financial strategy especially when the business does not have to tie capital in security assets. They may have to raise funds through other means other than by borrowing funds. This is the risk that arises due to fluctuation of interest payable to the stocks. It can affect corporate financial strategy whereby investors may refuse to commit buy stocks in a particular market due to fluctuations in interests for fear of losing the value of their invested stocks (Bender & Ward, 2012). These are risks investors face due to political instabilities in the countries of operations. It can affect corporate investment decisions whereby the businesses if the managers cannot take enjoy opportunities available in certain
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Written Business Communication (Assignment #1A) Assignment
Written Business Communication ( #1A) - Assignment Example Moreover, after 3:30 p.m., swing-shift employees may park in any empty space except those marked Tandem, Handicapped, Van Pool, Car Pool, or Management. The day shift employees may loan their spaces to other employees upon making prior arrangements if they would not be using their parking spaces. One serious problem that has come to our attention is lack of registration (as evidenced by white stickers). Please be advised that any car that would be found with a sticker would be ticketed. The Employee Relations department has the prerogative to register the vehicles and the following dates have been set aside for this exercise in the cafeteria: October 1st and 2nd from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 3:00-5:00 p.m. we kindly ask you to treat this issue seriously in order to avoid any inconveniences. The purpose of the memo is to inform or remind the employees about the parking guidelines in the company. This is specifically meant to ensure that there is smooth movement of traffic as well as people in the organization. This also helps to minimise any inconvenience that may be caused by disorderly parking in the company. The reader positively responds if there is official communication such as written memos. I strongly believe that the readers abide by the company policies hence they are likely to follow the parking guidelines once they read the above email. The reader is likely to be reluctant at first by they will positively respond after realising that this is official communication. All employees are bound by official documents hence they should abide by all the contents presented to them. The strategy appropriate for this message/reader response should be group focused. The company should particularly address this message to the group rather than individuals. This will have a positive impact since there is likely to be collective
Friday, August 23, 2019
Global Marketing Research Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2
Global Marketing Research Assignment - Essay Example It is the reason as to why they have continued to enjoy steady stream of growth and increase in the amount of revenue in their finances. It goes without saying that the company has enjoyed the near monopoly status on the global front (Hà ¤ikià ¶ & Virtanen, 2002).This paper will thus discuss the impact and growth of the Nokia Company as a single source from Finland to the external markets such as South Africa and Chile as prime exporting destinations of the mobile devices. The paper will also focus on the proper exporting mechanisms and techniques that Nokia as a Finnish company would penetrate and enter the Chilean and South African country (Kent, 2007). As much as the marketing team of the Nokia Company has strived to do its best in the recent past, there are other drafts of measures of in terms of global marketing that the company could explore for better growth. It stems from the fact that each and every country has a different market dimension and set up thus care and attention must be allocated to the various countries in a different way (Andersson & Wictor, 2003). In brief, this analysis will discuss the market topography and spectrum of the various countries with the feasible chances of penetration by Nokia, the company. South Africa is one of the most promising countries in the world in the form of a market because of the following outlined issues such as a viable economic environment (Myers, 2002). It is one of the emerging democracies in the African continent which has recorded good prospects of economic viability and growth in the recent as compared with other African nations such as Somalia (Myers, 2002). It is so because the country has one of the most diverse compositions of people with different tastes in electronic gadgets and devices (Clarke, 1996). South Africa in its structure and population has one of the most diverse societal spectrums in
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Can it be argued that all societies have law Critically discuss Essay
Can it be argued that all societies have law Critically discuss Anthropological arguments on the topic - Essay Example However, as new scholars kept on emerging, these theories were challenged. Today, some argue that contrary to the earlier assertions that all societies conform to each other at some point, not all cultures have law, thus negating the issue of conformity. In light of these debates, this paper seeks to analyse these anthropological arguments in a bid to establish if all societies have laws. Consequently, diverse groups holding different cultural behaviours forming every society, laws are inevitable. One of the reasons the topic of cultural law comes up is because of yet another controversial debate of cultural relativism. In anthropology, cultural relativism asserts that each society holds its own practices and values2. Many, if not all, of these values and practices seldom compare to other societies thus making each society unique. In a bid to ensure that the observation of these values is retained, societies tend to have laws that hold them together. Since cultures are found universally, it therefore, confirms that all societies have a law. Furthermore, cultural relativism tends to be concerned with showing respect to varied cultural laws without setting values. That is to say, one culture could be engaged in a practice that another considers bad yet the latter cannot express its disapproval. It is because of cultural relativism that different societies are able to have own law3. When not interfered with, these societies tend to form a unique setting in the society that consequently sets each other apart. Clearly, with cultures evolving from various stages, it is inevitable to have these laws. Interestingly, other scholars argue that despite the evident variance of social practices by different cultures, all tend to have a particular commonality. This group of individuals’ contest that just like there is a variance in civilization, cultures, too, take various stages4. Sachs echoes the sentiments5. He
Body language Essay Example for Free
Body language Essay Gestures- an example of an gesture would be a thumbs up to refer to well done. I tried to use hand gesture to help the women to understand what I was saying. Body language body language is a broad term for forms of communication using body movements or gestures instead of, or in addition to, sounds, verbal language, or other forms of communication. It forms part of the category of paralanguage, which describes all forms of human communication that are not verbal language. This includes the most subtle of movements that many people are not aware of, including winking and slight movement of the eyebrows. I tried to adapt to Egan theory of SOLER by leaning forward to show that I was interested. Listening- if we are not talking we are listening to what others are saying and trying to understand there views our body language can tell if we are listening to a persons whenever any body was talking I would lean forward to shows that I am interested. Because it was an group interactions I had to give other people the chance to talk and t get their opinion across * Expression- facial expression can send very complex message that can be read easily. I tried to use a good facial expression to make her feel comfortable and welcomed. Eye contact Eye contact is the event when two people look at each others eyes at the same time. I kept good eye contact with her to show that I was actually listening and with the other members of the group One 2 one seven year old boy Verbal- Tone /Pitch its not just what we say, but the way we say it. If we were to talk very fast in a loud voice with a fixed voice tone, people may think that we are angry and shouting. I did not shout at the seven year old boy and I talk out a tone and pitch in which he could hear clearly. Slangs and jargons- I did not use slang in my dialect. This is because slang is mostly associated with teenagers and also he may not understand what I was saying Pace the pace is the speed in which I talk. I can talk fast and I can talk slow. Because he is a kid I had to talk slow so that she can understand Non verbal Gestures- an example of an gesture would be a thumbs up to refer to well done. I tried to use hand gesture to help the boy to understand what I was saying and also used hand gesture when I had to take the boy to the toilet I had to hold his hands. Body language -. This includes the most subtle of movements that many people are not aware of, including winking and slight movement of the eyebrows. I tried to adapt to Egan theory of SOLER by leaning forward to show that I was interested. I did not stand over him Listening- if we are not talking we are listening to what others are saying and trying to understand there views our body language can tell if we are listening to a persons whenever any body was talking I would lean forward to shows that I am interested. Because it was an group interactions I had to give other people the chance to talk and t get their opinion across. Expression- facial expression can send very complex message that can be read easily. I tried to use a good facial expression to make him feel comfortable and welcomed by smiling a lot. Eye contact Eye contact is the event when two people look at each others eyes at the same time. I kept good eye contact with him to show that I was actually listening to him. The care value base is very important. The care value base is used widely in the field of health , social care and early years. The care value base is used to describe a set of principles that were thought to be relevant to the health and social care practitioners. The care value base can be used as an ethnical guide to decision making and practice in health, social care and early years setting. The care value base is used to be certain that care works or practitioners are not discriminating, being unkind, or providing poor care for their patients or service users The care value base covers five main areas: 1. Promoting anti-discriminatory practice 2. Maintaining confidentiality 3. Promoting and supporting individuals rights and respect 4. Acknowledging individuals personal beliefs and identities 5. Promoting effective communication The care value base can form part of a code of conduct, or a professional code of ethics for anyone working in a caring profession. The car value base has become more important due to the fact the country has become more and more multicultural and ethnically diverse. Also there more people with disability. Laws have been passed which prohibit discrimination on the grounds of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability etc. is therefore vital that people do not feel discriminated against when they are using care services.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
The Case Study On Employees Motivation Of Starbucks Beijing Management Essay
The Case Study On Employees Motivation Of Starbucks Beijing Management Essay The purpose of this questionnaire is to investigate the current situation of employees satisfaction in Starbucks of Beijing. In order to know how satisfied employees are with Starbucks of Beijing, the questionnaire must refer to every aspects of employees work life. That is to say, any factor which will influence their satisfaction with Starbucks of Beijing should be designed into a question. The questionnaire is designed from the analysis of four aspects. The first one is employees satisfaction with the reward they get for their work. In the aspect of work reward, there are three problems that must be paid enough attention to. That whether the employee is satisfied with his own pay is the basic one. If the employees feel fair when comparing his pay with his investment, if the employees feel fair when comparing his own pay with others. The two problems come from the fairness theory in motivation, which means that the fairness include absolute fairness and relative fairness. And then is the employee option program of Starbucks, which is one of the welfare of Starbucks. Referring to the employee option program, it is an interesting thing. In Starbucks, the employee is not called employee, but partner. That is to say, if you are employed by Starbucks, you will be probable to become the stakeholder of Starbucks. This is also a type of reward for employees. So the relationship between employees work motivation and the employee option progra m should also be investigated. The second one is employees satisfaction with their own job. That is to say, what the employee values most beside the pay should also be taken seriously in their work. These factors include their work environment, a sense of achievement, Harmonious interpersonal relationships, the opportunity to improve ones skill, and so on. For example, if they are interested in the work, their feeling about the challenge of their job and if they can get a sense of achievement in their work. And also, the personal growth in the work is also important for the employees working motivation. And then in the aspect of the employees satisfaction with the work itself, a theory must be considered. That is the goal-setting theory. Through the theory, goal-setting in the work is necessary and important. And also the goal should be specific. There are three questions, which are designed considering from the goal-setting theory. If the employee likes setting a goal in his work, the goal should be specific or c oncrete, and then if the employee want to participate in the process of setting the goal together with his administrators. And then the third one is employees satisfaction with their work environment and work group. The employees satisfaction with the work environment and work group is a very important one among the factors that influence his satisfaction and work motivation. As is known to all, one person will work more comfortably and more effectively in an environment that he likes. So the employees satisfaction with his work environment must be paid enough attention, when considering the employees work motivation and satisfaction. And then is the work group. This problem can be divided into two parts. The first one is the employees relationship with his direct superior. The superiors attitude towards his employees, the superiors work style, leading style and some other things will all influence the employees satisfaction and work motivation. And the last one is employees satisfaction with the company. That is the employees general impression about Starbucks. The employees attitude towards the company policy, whether it is positive or negative is very important. And then the companys attention on employees is enough or not. For example, whether the company gives the employee enough opportunity to grow and show his personal ability is very important for the employees satisfaction. The employees view about the company performance and about the staff ability of the company can also inflect the employees impression about the company. In addition, the sense of belonging and identity in the company is also a sign of satisfaction with the company. 2.   Data Collection Before the process of collecting the data, a series of problems must be considered and settled. For example, the way of carrying out the investigation, the location of the process of writing the questionnaires, the ratio of the gender and age of these objectives and the ratio of employees of different level positions. These problems must be settled perfectly before the process of investigating. In order to have reliable data, 100 questionnaires must be sent out, of which 80 will be useful for us. That is to say, 100 employees should be selected from all of the employees of Starbucks in Beijing. In addition, 80 of these 100 questionnaires are expected to be effective and reliable. In Beijing, there are about 35 stores of Starbucks. Among those stores, 5 stores of them are selected randomly according to their locations. And then 100 employees of these 5 stores will be the research objects of the questionnaire. And also, these 20 people of every store are selected randomly. The Starbucks stores we research are all of Beijing, of which the locations are relatively intent. And then, the number of employees that we should research is not so much. In addition, in order to get a set of reliable data from these employees, we had better send out these questionnaires and then collect them after about 2 hours. During the two hours, these objectives can answer these questions at the most natural state. So we can carry out the investigation by the way of sending out on-site questionnaires in these objective Starbucks stores. Firstly, we ask the managers of these stores and get their allowance to carry out the questionnaire. Considering the busy work-time of the employees of Starbucks Beijing, the time is set at 12:30 to 14:30. At that time, the employees have a little work to do and have enough time to thingk carefully about the questions on the questionnaire. In addition, twenty objectives of every store will be a large task and work. So the questionnaire is carr ied out in five days. The time is from August 15th to 19th. The time arrangement assures the reliablity of the employees answers. In order to study if there are differences between male employees and female employees, the gender ratio should be also considered. In Starbucks of Beijing, the ratio of female employees is aliitle more than the ratio of male employees. So during the questionnaire, the female employees will be also a little more than male employees. Also, the difference between the old employees and young employees should also be investigated. In Starbucks Beijing, younger employees are more than older employees. Therefore, in the investigation, about 30% of all the objectives are in the age range of 35 to 45 and the other 70% are in the age range of 25 to 35. The much bigger proportion of relative young employees is because the proportion of young employees in Starbucks of Beijing is much bigger than the proportion of the old ones. In addition, the bigger proportion of young objectives is also because the views of these younger employees can be better able to explain the problems about the employees satisfaction with the company and his work. And then the position level should also be considered. That is because the purpose of the investigation is to study the satisfaction of the low level employees of Starbucks. So 80% of our objectives are low level staff of Starbucks. And other 20% are management staff. Validity and reliability of questionnaire/interviews The study uses the questionnaire survey method, which is a widely used method of investigation. In this investigation method, questionnaire is a tool to obtain information. So the quality of the questionnaire is very important for the reliability and validity of the survey result. So it is necessary to analyze the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Reliability means the consistency degree of the results when repeating measuring the same object using the same method. When the questionnaire is designed, almost all of the important factors are considered carefully. Firstly, the basic factors that influence the employees motivation must be analyzed. They are employees satisfaction with the reward they get for their work, their satisfaction with their own job, their satisfaction with their work environment and work group and their satisfaction with his work environment and the company. After the full consideration of these factors, the motivation theories are considered. According to the two-factor theory, there are two kinds of factors that must be paid attention to. They are hygiene factors and motivation factors. Then all the factors, which are included in the two kinds of factors, are considered before the designation of the questionnaire. Some of the inmportant factors for Starbucks Beijing are selected to be designed into the questionnaire. So in the comprehensive aspect, the reliability of the questionnaire is no doubt. And then, referring to the validity of the questionnaire, it can be analyzed from the view of data collection. When selecting the objective employees, the ratio of the genders, the ratio of the work positions, the ratio of the locations and some other important factors are all considered. With these consideration, the data selected in the questionnaire are of validity. Generally speaking, after the careful questionnaire designing process and data collecting process, the validity and the reliability of the questionnaire can be enough for the research. Chapter Four ¼Ã… ¡Data Analysis 1. Data presentation and Statistical analysis Chart 1 From chart one, it can be seen that 65% of the employees are satisfied with their pay and the other 35% are dissatisfied with their pay. It can be concluded that most of employees of Starbucks of Beijing are satisfied with their work pay. However, 35% is not a small number. By a deeper research, it is found that the 35 percent, who are dissatisfied with their pay, are mainly these people, who are in the age range of twenty five to thirty five. It shows that there are some problems in the pay system of the new and young employees, which must attract the attention of the Starbucks of Beijing. Since 35 percent of the employees are dissatisfied with their pay, it should be explored that why they are satisfied. There are two reasons that can explain the problem. Firstly, they think their reward is not matching with their investment in their work. Secondly, they compare their pay with their colleagues, they think it is unfair. The question will be referred to in the end of this part. Chart 2 From chart two, it shows that 60 percent of these employees value the work environment most, 20 percent of these employees value the sense of achievement and belonging most, and the other 20 percent of them value the opportunity for their personal growth most. That is to say, most of the employees take the work environment as the most important factor in their work. It can be explained that employees can work well and comfortably in a good work environment, which is the basic condition for a good work performance. And then, the sense of achievement and belonging and the opportunity for ones growth are also important. It can be said that, when people work in a good environment and he likes his own job, then he will want to have the sense of achievement and belongings, which means he hope that his job is full of challenge and he can belong to the company out of his heart. From this data, Starbucks of Beijing should pay enough attention to these three factors. If these three factors are all done well, then the employees are very likely to be loyalty to his company and his own work, which means he will perform actively and excellent in his work. Chart 3 Considering the title of goal setting, chart three shows that 80 percent of the employees are very willing to participate in the process of setting goal. Only 8 percent of them are reluctant to take part in the activity and 12% of them are indifferent to the matter. Its easy to find that most of people are willing to take part in these more important and more leading work together with their administrators. In fact, there are two questions before this question in the questionnaire. In the first question, about 80 percent of the employees think that it is necessary to set a goal for their work. About 10 percent of them think sometimes it is necessary to set a work goal and the other 10 percent think that it is unnecessary to set a goal. And the second question, 75 percent of the employees think that a specific goal will enhance his work performance, while only 5 percent approve a concrete goal. These three questions altogether tell Starbucks that the employees know the importance of s etting a goal in the work and most of them are willing to participate in the goal-setting process. So some policies about the goal-setting, which is taken part in by the employees should be formulated and carried out. Chart 4 In chart four, there are only 15 percent of the employees, who think their work to be challenging. And 25 percent of them think their work are challenging sometimes. In addition, 60 percent of them think their work is lack of challenge. This can be seen as a challenging problem of Starbucks at least in Beijing. In chart two, it can be seen that the challenge of work is also valued a lot by the employees. So the work lack of challenge is unlikely to be liked and loved by employees. In addition, there is another question, which is closely related with this chart. Considering the biggest problem of the employee, 60 percent of these employees select the sense of achievement and 20 percent of them select the relationship with colleagues. These two questions all show that the challenge of the work in Starbucks is not so enough. In addition, there are some more important questions should be paid enough attention to. About 80 percent of these employees think his pay is fair comparing with his investment in his work, while the other 20 percent think his pay to be unfair. Referring to the problem of the relationship between employees work motivation and the employee option program of Starbucks, 90 percent of these employees select the answer of close relationship. That shows the importance of a good welfare policy. And then some questions about the satisfaction with his work should also be paid enough attention to. Firstly, the interest of these employees for their own work, 60 percent of these employees are very interested in their work, 22 percent of them have a little interest in their work and 18 percent of them have no interest, which means that a lot of the employees in Starbucks of Beijing are working for their interest. Secondly, When referring to the question that if the company gives the employee enough opportunity to grow, only 25 percent of the employees believe that there are enough opportunities for them to grow, 35 percent of them admit that there are some opportunities but not enough, and there are 40 percent of the employees believe that there is no opportunity for them to grow. At last, some questions about the employees satisfaction with the company are also very important. Firstly, the question about the enthusiasm of employees, 7o percent of these employees think that most of the staff of Starbucks is working positively. Among them, 15 percent think that minority of the staff is working positively and 15 percent think that all the staff is burnout. From these data, it can be concluded that the staff motivation of Starbucks of Beijing is much positive. Secondly, there is a question about the companys attention on the employees. In this question, 60 percent of the employees believe that the attention of the company is enough and 40 percent of them think that it is not enough. And among the 40 percent, who think the companys attention is not enough, most of them are low level staff. So Starbucks should pay more attention to the low level staff. And then the last one is the employees best liked way of getting reward for his excellent performance. In this que stion, 50 percent of them approve the present method the company is carrying out. And 30 percent of them select the material reward and 20 percent select the other choices. It can be seen that these Chinese employees like material rewards or good welfare. That can contribute to the common value for the life assurance of Chinese people. 2. Findings 2.1 The good work environment Through the result of the questionnaire, it can be seen that employees of Starbucks Beijing are very satisfied with their work environment. Starbucks is an international band. In the industry of service, the environment is likely to be the same with each other. To achieve success of environment in the service industry is a difficult task. However, the environment of Starbucks is very unique and comfortable. When you come into the Starbucks Beijing for the first time, the only feeling is comfortable,relaxed,unique and amazing. Starbucks is the third space for people, except for the home and the office. The third space is a unique space for the customer to relax and enjoy their life. And also, the unique environment is a beautiful and comfortable environment for the employees of Starbucks. In an environment like this, the employee can provide service for the customer with the companys mission in their heart. For the customers and the employees, the environment of Starbucks Beijing is s uccessful. So the good environment can be regarded as one of the factors for the success of Starbucks Beijing. 2.2The satisfying material reward Through some questions and their anwsers in the questionnaire, it can be found that it is very important for employees of Starbucks Beijing to have a satisfying material reward. In Starbucks Beijing, the staff is not be called employees but partners. That is to say, the people employed by Starbucks Beijing is likely to become the stockholder of Starbucks. The coffee stock is a stock program for the staff, which is carried out by the Starbucks Beijing. The idea of the stock program is that every excellent employee of Starbucks is probable to hold a stock of Starbucks. That will relate every employee of Starbucks with the general business performance of the company, which means that every employee of Starbucks will work with the same active attitude with the CEO of Starbucks. The motivation method of Starbucks Beijing is related closely with the unique management method of Schultz. Schultz thinks that, the wealth can only be achieved by the honesty and continuous effort. He said that, the management of a band is a whole-life cause. Band is a fragile matter. It must be admitted that the success of the Starbucks band is not a one-time grant of the title and nobility. And the band must be protected and maintained every day. This kind of protection and maintainance must be carrie d out by all the staff of Starbucks Beijing. The employee stock program is a kind of this protection and maintainance. It should be believed that the strongest and longest band is built up in the heart of customerd and partners. The stock system of Starbucks improves the reward of employees, improves the culture and value of the company, and also lowers the staff turnover rate. Therefore, it can be said that satisfying material reward is another factor for Starbucks success. In addit ion, it should be paid enough attention to that some employees are not satisfied with their material rewards. So Starbucks Beijing should do more effort to satisfy employees in the aspect of material rewards. 2.3The employee training of Starbucks The good work environment and the satisfying material reward are the hygiene factors, which influence the employee motivation of Starbucks Beijing. These factor can only avoid employees dissatisfaction, but cant lead to motivation of employees. In the following part, some motivation factors of Starbucks Beijing will be analyzed in detail. In the questionnaire, there is a question about the employee training of the staff of Starbucks Beijing. Through the answers, it can be seen that the employees are very satisfied with the employee training of Starbucks Beijing. That is to say, the employee training is enough for these employees to work smoothly and easily. For every new employee of Starbucks, they will have a training program, which teaches employees how to become a qualified coffee barista and teaches them the core idea of Starbucks Beijing. Through this kind of training, they will know more about the company and deliver the legend service of Starbucks Beijing to the customers and the communities with their work enthusiasm. Besides this training program, the employees also have a lot of other training programs about their specific job after taking part in the service work in Starbucks Beijing. In addition, the coffee barista plan is designed for these partners of Starbucks Beijing to help them to become a coffee barista and provide for the customers. All these training programs contribute to the success of Starbucks Beijing, which is another important factor for the success of Starbucks in the aspect of employee motivation and business performance. 2.4The company culture For a company, the enterprise culture is the spirit of a company. The culture of Starbucks Beijing greatly values the companys responsibility for the employees and the responsibility for the society. Starbucks of Beijing gives the employees the respect that they deserve. The employees of Starbucks Beijing are also the band delegation of Starbucks and the marketing staff of Starbucks Beijing, who will tell the customers what Starbucks is like and how an unique company Starbucks is. This is the best advertisement for Starbucks. The good relationship between the employees and the customers makes the success of Starbucks Beijing. Besides the responsibility for the employees, Starbucks also values the responsibility for the society. For example, the ethical sourcing, the environmental commitment and the community feedback. These are all the performances of Starbucks Beijing in the aspect of the society responsibility. The society responsibility Starbucks loads gives the employees their co hesion and identity for Starbucks. So the company culture must be concerned, which can lead to the loyalty of the customers and the employees. 3.Discussion The aim to pursue by administrators of modern enterprises is to create maximum value for the enterprises and bring staffs enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity. In practice, the enterprises should take effective motivating measures and establish rational objective and motivating measures for a long time to urge staff to create more value for the enterprises. 3.1 The theory analysis of employee motivation of Starbucks Beijing 3.1.1 Two-Factor Theory The traditional theory, which is also called motivation-hygiene theory, holds that the opposite side of satisfaction is dissatisfaction and the opposite side of dissatisfaction is satisfaction. However, two-factor theory holds that the opposite side of satisfaction is that there is no dissatisfaction and the opposite side of dissatisfaction is that there is no dissatisfaction. In the two-factor theory, the factors that affect peoples work performance are devided into two aspects. The first one os called hygiene factors. And the other one is called motivation factors. These two aspects are independent of each other and they influence peoples work enthusiasm and motivation in different ways. Firstly, the hygiene factors refer to these factors, which will cause the dissatisfaction of the employees. And the improvement of hygiene factors can just lift the employees dissatisfaction and cans satisfy the employees and motivate their work enthusiasm. These factors include the working environment and conditions such as company policy, administration, relationships with supervisors, working conditions, wages, relationships with colleague, personal life, relationships with subordinate, status, security and so on. These factors refer to the negative factors of work and they are related with the work environment and condition. When these factors deteriorate to a level that is not accepted by the employees, the employees will be dissatisfied with their work. Although these factors are in a good level, this can just eliminate the employees dissatisfaction and cant lead to a positive work attitude of the employees, which means a neutral state that the employees are not satisfied and a lso not dissatisfied. These factors can just maitain the present state. So they are called maintainance factor. Secondly, the motivation factors are factors that make the employees feel satisfied, the improvement of these factors can not just lead to the employees satisfaction but also give the employees enough motivation, enhance the employees work motivation and improve their work productivity. These factors include work achievements, approval of working performance, attraction of the working itself, responsibilities, promotion, growth and so on. They refer to the employees positive feeling for work and they are related to the content of their work. These factors, which can bring the positive work attitude, satisfaction and work motivation of the employees are called motivation factors. If these factors are all gathered, the employees will have a great work motivation. According to the view of the two-factor theory, the administrators of the company must know that the hygiene factors are necessary, without which there will be no satisfaction. And only the motivation factors can make the employees do a excellent work performance. The two-factor theory is designed for the goal of the employees satisfaction. The hygiene factors can satisfy the employees in the aspect of outside conditions and the motivation factors can satisfy them in the aspect of the work itself. The former one is for outside motivation and the latter one is for inside motivation. That is to say, according to two-factor theory, the word satisfaction must be paid to enough attention in order to motivate the employees effectively. 3.1.2Goal-setting theory The goal-setting theory holds that the goal let people know what work they must accomplish, how to accomplish their work and how much effort they must pay. A clear goal will improve the employees productivity. And especially when the goal is with a certain difficulties but not set higher beyond employees capacity, a higher productivity can be achieved. In addition, a specific goal will be better for the employees to enhance their work performance and improve their work productivity. In the goal-setting theory, there is another important matter that should be paid enough attention to. That is the participation in the formulation of organizational goals of the employees. 3.2 Recommendation 3.2.1 Improving the challenge of the work Repeating the same job day after day, the employees will be caught into the trouble and cant escape from it. From the result of the questionnaire, it can be found that employees think that their works are lack of challenge. However, the appropriate challenge in the work will stimulate their ambition and keep their enthusiasm for their work. In order to improve the challenge of the work, Starbucks Beijing must take some effective measures. Firstly, Starbucks Beijing can increase work standards of employees. After continuous exercise of work ability and their self-growth, the employees will show a higher productivity and be more skilled to handle the issues in their work. At that time, Starbucks Beijing can appropriately increase work demands of the employees. For example, at the right time and circumstances, the employees performance requirements should be improved, which will be followed by a appropriate standard of compensation awards. Secondly, increasing the job content can also improve the challenge of the employees work. With the increase of job content, employees responsibilitied will increase and also the challenge of the work is improved. Then the employees will use more enegy and skill to work, which will enhance their work ability greatly. The employees will feel the interesting change of their work when the work content is increased. However, the increase of the work content mustnt bring unnecessary trouble for the employees. Only the reasonable increase of job content can really serve to increase the work challengign. For example, establishing a team of employees. With these teams, employees are allowed to handle some difficult issues. Starbucks Beijing can assign some tasks about developing customers to the employees. With this kind of work, they can challenge their ability, intelligence,communicaition skill, and so on. Thirdly, giving rights to the employees can also give them some challenges. Getting some rights, the employee will enter a new work field, in which he will handle some issues and load some responsibilities. Generally speaking, the employee will be motivated and load some responsibilities after getting some rights, which will improve their work motivation. So the employee will regard the rights as the reflection of his ability and the companys affirmation of his work performance. There are variety of ways to give rights to employees. For example, give them the right to manage a team or take responsibility for a group job. Generally speaking, in order to increase the challenge of the work, Starbucks Beijing can take measures in the aspect of improving work standards, increasing work content and giving rights to employees. Every employee likes to do a job full of reasonable challenge. So managers must spare no effort to provide the employees an opportunity to face with challenge. 3.2.2 Providing more opportunity for employees self-growth In the questionnaire, most of the employees of Starbucks Beijing think that they have no opportunity for their self-growth in work., which is an important matter for a company of service industry. The development and growth of an organization should depend on the effort of all the staff instead of only one persons effort. Sometimes, some managers may complain about the disability of the employees, which is a bottleneck problem in the development of the company. After a careful analysis, it can be found that the problem is not the disability of the employees. The problem is whether managers give the employees enough opportunity to exercise their abilities. In order to improve employees ability to meet the companys demand, the company must take a reasonable measure and cultivate employees in some effective ways. As our growing process, we learn to walk.We try again and again. And at last we can stand steadily and then we can walk quickly. The process is an exercising process. The abili ty of the employee is not decided by ones IQ. The work experience and enrichment of knowledge can alsi influence the work mind of an employee. When the employee does more and more work and load more and more responsibilities, he will be full of work experience and his work style will change a lot. That is one of the important problems of a company, which is called the management of human capital. 3.2.3 Providing goal-setting opportunity for employees Through the goal-setting theory, it can be seen the great importance of goal-setting. And also in the questionnaire, employees also express that they believe that goal-setting is very important and they want to participate in the goal-setting process. Firstly, the goal must be specific and measurable. And then, the goal must be accepted by the superiors and subordinates. At last, the goal must be full and challenge and can be achiev
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Software Project Management
Software Project Management Project Proposal Introduction The organization in which the project is to be carried out is ******** It is a multinational computer technology corporation, which is involved in developing, manufacturing, licensing and supporting a wide range of software products for computing devices. The vision of the company is to develop a workstation where the software runs onto every desk and sooner or later in every home. The company follows the principles and corporate code of conduct. The objective of the company is to delight its customers, employees and shareholders with the help of delivering advance technology. The company wants to enlarge its leadership in the field of manufacturing and technology. It wants to increase its profitability worldwide by satisfying the customer needs and wants to excel in customer orientation. Managers from Sales, Consulting and IT departments have identified a problem that has reduced productivity to unacceptable levels. The current email system is causing significant business interruptions and must be updated. The current system is disjointed and much of the technology is outdated. Name of the project and persons associated with project Name of the project: E-Mail System Up gradation, Expansion and Integration Project Proposer: The top authority person and the member from IT department are the proposers of the project. They provide policy definition to the Project team. They resolve all policy issues with the appropriate policy owners in order to provide a clear, decisive definition. They are the persons who make final decisions and resolves conflicts or issues regarding project expectations across organizational and functional areas (Agarwal Mishra, 2007). Project sponsor: The project sponsors provide executive team approval and sponsorship for the project. Project Stakeholders: The project stakeholders include Sales, Consulting and IT department management leaders and end users. They are the key provider of requirements and recipient of project deliverable and associated benefits. The majority of stakeholders for this project will be agency heads (Agarwal Mishra, 2007). Project Managers: ****** are the IT Department Head. They provide overall management to the project. They are accountable for establishing a Project Charter, developing and managing the work plan, securing appropriate resources and delegating the work and insuring successful completion of the project. All project team members report to the project manager (Agarwal Mishra, 2007). Project team: The team will include 2 executives or support managers, 1 market analysts, 2 product designers and 1 financial manager. The project team members are involved in analyzing, designing and ultimately improving or replacing the business processes. Objective of the project The aims and objectives of the project are: To develop fast e-mail system in the company To expand the existing activities or production facilities. Avoidance of the delay, technical flaws and drawing defects (Agarwal Mishra, 2007). Developing new servers, software and protocol in order to remain competitive Updating the technology and opening of additional accounts online. Proper tooling and techniques (Agarwal Mishra, 2007). Proper control over chain reaction activities. To meet the changing demands of the customers (Ramaswamy Namakumari, 2007). To earn more revenues and profits. Project Deliverables A consolidated e-mail software and network which has upgraded and modernized servers, pertinent protocol, staff trained in new software, hardware and protocol, functioning system help desk, system commissioning report and stakeholder project sign off (Agarwal Mishra, 2007) Technical requirements for the standard of performance A comprehensive range of e-learning tools and a new Email Standards and Protocols would be established and training will be provided to all departments. All the current email users shall be converted into the new system, and 500 new users that did not have email before shall be added. The users would have both LAN and remote access to email. Some help desk and support infrastructure shall be set-up to accommodate the new system. The relevant equipment would be salvaged (Agarwal Mishra, 2007). The users’ PCs would be upgraded to accommodate the new email system. It is expected that implementation and successful completion of this project will reduce operational expenses and increase productivity to create a net value of $200,000 per year (Agarwal Mishra, 2007). Major Milestones The milestones of this project include both the technical as well as the behavioral aspects like designing the up gradation project, selecting the team who needs to undergo this project, appointment of the team, which is responsible for the project and timely evaluation and assessment of the project (Agarwal Mishra, 2007). Project scope The proposed project will completely consolidate the old systems, update hardware and greatly diminish time and work losses due to technical and procedural e-mail communication problems. This change is necessary for company to be sustainable, provide timely service to the customers and ultimately remain relevant in today’s competitive market Includes: 2500 identified end users from the 12 departments and offices will be provided with the equipments that can operate the new system. Training will be provided to the employees for the use of the new system and system protocols (Agarwal Mishra, 2007). All the 2500 users will be converted in to the new system. In this new system, there will be LAN and remote access will be offered to the users. The system will be set up by the support infrastructure and help desk. The system will function after upgrading the PC’s. Does Not Include: Accounts or training in excess of 2500 are not part of the scope of this project. This effort will not extend into other aspects of ACME, Inc.’s information systems but will be confined to the e-mail system solely. Project management, reporting and controlling In order to implement a project in a successful manner, able corporation should first select a project management team comprising of professionals such as engineers, technicians, managers and accountants with responsibilities in their respective fields. The team should be headed by a project manager with individuals within defined parameters to achieve a common goal, i.e. to complete the implementation within projected schedule, projected cost and deliver the project with defined quality(Agarwal Mishra, 2007). The team members have to report timely and directly to the project manager. Project overruns and project failure are due to the cumulative effects of a number of reasons. Thus, a manager has to play a significant role in completion of project. Project priorities The project aims to accomplish all the set objectives. However, it emphasizes on certain tasks on a priority basis like up gradation of the skills and knowledge of the trainees, reinforcement of the value and ethics of the organization, reviewing and evaluation of the existing work-patterns in the Able Corporation, minimization of the redundant practices in the organization, completion of the project within the scheduled time-frame and maintaining high-quality standards in the due course of the project. Resources Required: A variety of resources will be needed to implement the project of new product development. The main resources, which are considered in the project, are the financial resources and workforce or staff of the company. With the help of the team as well the staff, the project can be completed rapidly and before the decided duration (Resource consideration, 2008). The project can be successful only when a firm is capable of utilizing its limited economic resources optimally. For the completion of the project, it is necessary that the resources are fully allocated as they are limited (Resource consideration, 2008). Work Break down Structure The work breakdown structure (WBS) presents a systematic and logical breakdown of the project into its component parts. The company is facing decrease in the productivity levels due to problems in the email system. The email system used currently is causing interruptions and the technology has become obsolete. The email system should be updated in the organization. There are 500 new users who do not have accounts. This will require an additional investment. For making an effective communication process, the Able Corporation has to be technologically advanced (Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), 2008). WBS in the email system project is broken into a logical series of smaller tasks, each of which is chosen for size and scope to fit it with the project management structure so that it can be subjected to efficient planning and execution (Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), 2008). It is believed that during the process of e-mail system up gradation, the work of the project would be broken down and consequently integrated with the process of organizing the project. The organization of the project would be further broken down to the functional groups of the project team (Agarwal Mishra, 2007). In this case, the WBS would represent the division and sub-division of work to the level of work packages. Cost estimates It is estimated that the task of forming the project team, plan phase and project estimation would be completed in 4 days and would incur a cost of about $15,000. The selection of project staff for phase would be completed in a time of 7 days with an expenditure of $7,000. However, for securing the commitments for staff availability, it is estimated that a period of 5 days would be taken and nearly $1,000 would be incurred on this task (Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), 2008). Near about 3 days would be required to complete the identification and allocation of management clerical overheads to the phase by incurring a cost of $7,000. In order to evaluate user system requirements, duration of 25 days would be required with an expenditure of $6,000. The task of Network suitability, test and changing the control procedures would prove to be detrimental for the final outcome and success of the project. As a result, a great deal of emphasis would be laid on this task in terms of time and money. It would thus require an extended period of 41 days and a heavy expenditure of $15,000. To develop the support infrastructure for the helpdesk, it is estimated that a period of 30 days would be sufficient with an expenditure of $22,000 (Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), 2008). Thus, this task would also require significant attention from the people involved in the project. To complete the task of implementation, 10 days would be warranted with a cost of $15,000. Also, an expenditure of $10,000 would be incurred on salvaging the equipments in a period of 10 days. Finally, a time of 7 days would be required to deploy the e-mail systems by incurring a cost of $9,000. References Agarwal, N.P. Mishra, B.K. (2007) Project management (4th Edition). New Delhi: Ramesh Book Depot. Mathew, M.J. (2000). Sales Management and Sales Promotion (3rd Revised Edition), Jaipur: RBSA Publishers. Resource Considerations (2008) Retrieved May 29, 2008 from Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) (2008). Retrieved June 25, 2008 from
Monday, August 19, 2019
A Reflection Upon My Writing Essay -- Reflection Essay
â€Å"As a student, I write for multiple purposes. Purpose is the key for how my thoughts are dictated on this blank white sheet.†After writing this in my in-class journal discussing my transition from five-paragraph writing to actual formation of thoughts without a specific format, I realized that this process was a larger undertaking than I originally thought. Through endless amounts of essay writing the personal academic improvements that have taken place this quarter are indescribable in comparison to any other academic feat made in my brief but fulfilling college career. As a writer, I realized coming into college that my writing was not necessarily bad by any means, but instead extremely uninteresting. After leaving the public secondary education system, I though that I had a strong foundation in writing, which I did, but it did not hit me until my first week of my writing class that I was a â€Å"formulaic†writer. I would follow the typical five paragraph essay format that I had been given since eighth grade and wring it out until it was dry. After getting every last drop of the benefits of a typical five paragraph essay, I panicked after stepping into college and thought that my writing process would only have to change by suspending my thoughts over time and sentences, allowing single thoughts to melt onto the page line after line. For some reason, I thought that I could distract my professors from my weakness, but this ploy eventually ruined me, and if anything, this suspension of my thought did nothing but accentuate my faults. As a serious academic, admitting defeat was hard, but I needed to bite the bullet and ask for assistance. After coming into my writing class and attending my first peer editing workshop, I felt li... ... about a reflection of a moment of our lives? The redundant nature of the writing began to get to me. You would think that the same prompt of â€Å"reflection†would make me care less about the assignments, but instead I would worry more about keeping my writing fresh and exciting. If anything, I felt like my writing was part of the film Inception. Instead of a dream, within a dream, within a dream, I had an essay, about an essay, within an essay. Through the duration of this writing course and the work put in academically, I feel the growth illuminating the keystrokes as I type this essay. I feel as though I am able to tackle more complex prompts and allow myself to stay much more open minded through the academic writing process. As I learn more styles of writing and continue to gain experience as an author and an academic, the process will only be that much easier.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
All Quiet on the Western Front Essay -- essays research papers
â€Å"All Quiet in the Western Front†     In the movie, â€Å"All Quiet in the Western Front,†Paul is an average eighteen-year-old male who enlists in the Army and is sent to fight in WWI, which changes his views and makes him an adult. Everybody in Paul’s hometown is supportive of Paul and his peers enlisting think it is a great opportunity to be able to fight in the war. At basic training, they are shown what military life is like from their drill sergeant who treats him and his friends incredibly rough. Paul returns home, he has a totally different outlook on life and his earlier life style.      Paul and twenty of his classmates enlisted in the Army to go fight in WWI. Paul was then very close to his family and friends. One of his high scho...
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Ethics in Today’s Organizations Case Study
Beyond Petroleum (BP) is a British oil company that was founded over a century ago by an affluent business man, William D’Arcy. D’Arcy put all of his money into searching for oil in the Middle East; a decision that nearly bankrupted him, because it took six years before any oil could be tapped. It is important to note that locating the oil was not the only problem BP, or Anglo-Persian Oil Company at that time, faced; moving the oils was just of a difficult task to maneuver. They decided to build a pipeline across the region – an undertaking that lasted more than two years. (Ferrell et al., 2011, p. 432)By the early 1900s BP was again running out of money, until Winston Churchill convinced parliament to allow BP to supply the navy’s fuel. It was a British company, after all, so it would support Britain’s interests. Britain then became one of the company’s biggest shareholders. This is significant because this instance helped spark the debate o ver politics and governments’ investments in oil companies –a topic that is still debated today. (Ferrell et al. , 2011, p. 432) After the mid-twentieth century oil was in high demand due to automobiles being mass produced.However in the mid 1970s, political turmoil in the Middle East caused oil production there to fall from 140 million to 500 barrels (Ferrell et al. , 2011, p. 432). With the demand for oil still high and the supply low, BP was forced to find other untapped oil supplies. BP found some oil fields in places such as Alaska and off the coast of Scotland. These isolated locations for drilling again forced hoisted creativity of BP engineers, and they began to innovate new ways to tap and transport the oil. One of these ideas was the Trans-Alaskan Pipeline, â€Å"the largest civil engineering project in North America, measuring 746 miles long†(Ferrell et al. , 2011, p. 433).BP made honest efforts to ensure the environment around drilling projects w ould be preserved. However, sometimes these efforts were thwarted, which has become one of the central ethical issues for BP, among other things, including charges of death and fraud. (Ferrell et al. , 2011, p. 433-434). BP has recently sought to enhance their sustainability. In an effort to repair its image and seize an opportunity to invest in future capital, BP has invested in developing other energy sources, such as wind, solar, and biofuels.BP has also has committed itself to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and lessening their contribution to global warming, by creating the aforementioned energies as wall as investing in practices like carbon sequestration and storage (Ferrell et al. , 2011, p. 435-436). Analysis What is the single most important ethical issue presented in the case, how has the issue affected specific stakeholders? I think the single most important issue presented in the case is a lack of environmental responsibility.BP poorly maintain their oil drilling and transporting equipment, and these â€Å"non-actions†contribute to the numerous oil spills over the years which destroy the environment – killing plants and animals, as well as the explosions which are responsible for claiming several human lives. These issues garner the most media coverage, as well as probing by environmentalists and other special interest groups. These secondary stakeholders influence the courts and governments to penalize companies like BP for this kind of irresponsible behavior.The negative reports discourage shareholders and employees. Unfortunately, I think the most customers, care more about the price of gas than which company they are purchasing it from. What has the company done to address their ethical issues, what could they do differently to avoid future ethical issues? BP has tried to address environmental issues by a) simply acknowledging that climate change is happening and it is a man-mad problem, and b) investing approximately $1. 4 bi llion in creating supplies of renewable energy (Ferrell et al. , 2011, p. 434).In 2005 BP also published a code of conduct, in it highlighting the company’s legal and ethical obligations. This document was titled â€Å"Our Commitment to Integrity†. (Ferrell et al. , 2011, p. 438) I feel that the company could have better inspections and maintenance on their rigs and pipelines, and publicize their findings, whether that facility is in perfect working order or needs to be closed down for repairs. Giving the stakeholders more transparency forces ethical behavior and a real commitment to integrity. Based on the company’s ethics would you: Work for the company?I would not work for BP, especially if they do not seriously address the maintenance of their facilities. I feel that even though BP is at least heading in the right direction by investing in renewable energy, its main product and biggest earner is still oil – the most common source of the companyâ€℠¢s ethical problems. Buy their products? I have tried not to purchase BP fuel since the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico happened. However, since gas prices have soared recently, if gas is less expensive at a BP service station, I will buy it there.Personal thriftiness does not contradict my ethics, I just do not think makes sense to give even more money to the oil industry as a whole than what is already necessary. Invest in their stock? I would not invest in their stock right now because BP’s main product is fuel; and even though I have to use it, it is detrimental to the environment. Of course, it is doing well in the stock markets right now, but it is unsteady and influenced by other factors happening in the world, and I would rather invest in something is both sustainable and fiscally stable. Also, I do view BP as a trustworthy company, and I want to support their underhandedness.Invite them to be part of the community in which you live? I would invite BP to be a part of my community because jobs are always needed here. Additionally, their function in my community would not have to include an oil rig or pipeline, it could be a solar panel plant, or a turbine factory. Those things would have positive impacts on several communities besides my own. Updates Since this case was studied in the text a lot has happened to BP, one major event that should be mentioned is the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.This explosion killed 11 people and gushed oil into the ocean for three months. It was the largest oil spill in history. While BP claims the explosion was caused by many factors, including blaming Transocean and Halliburton, providers of some of the rig’s equipment (BP, 2010), BP still estimates its overall cost for the spill to be roughly $40 billion, half of which is pledged to actual victims of the spill (Skoloff & Wardell, 2010). As of February, 2011 only $3. 54 billion had been spent on clean up and compensation to victims.T his deviates significantly from BP’s original scheduled disbursements of that fund, and yet the company agrees to still payout dividend to shareholders (usatoday. com, 2011). I am not saying whether it is or is not ethical to pay shareholder dividends during a crisis such as this, what I do find unethical is the lack of integrity. Not only has BP slowed compensations payment, but they had previously announced that they would not pay dividends after the spill, and then negated. Concept I feel that the central concept from this Case-Study is the idea of integrity.Over the span of more than 100 years, the company has come up with new ingenious way to reach and transport previously unattainable oil, but they still use a version of oils spill clean up technology circa 1960. BP develops wind and solar energy technologies, but I see more BP service stations popping up more frequently than their wind turbines. Also, BP announced they were going to halt dividend checks to shareholders after the oils spill in the gulf. However, after the issue has been out of the spotlight for a while they slow the compensation benefits to the gulf, and continue to pay their shareholders anyway.BP’s own code of conduct is titled â€Å"Our Commitment to Integrity†, and they’ve shown over and over how they just are not reliable. Application One thing that I can and do apply to my life personally is the idea of integrity, being reliable, and doing the right thing even when no one is looking. Integrity is important character facet to have professionally as well. My major is Human Resources Development –a field that I hope to work in one day. In an HR position I want to help my organization, by developing the employees, supporting fairness and equality, and helping to instill and positive and ethical culture.
Electrons The Building Blocks Of Science Environmental Sciences Essay
Electrons have been the cardinal component to many mystifiers in life ; if it were non for several doctors and their parts to the finds of different belongingss of the negatron, the scientific disciplines ( chemical science, biological science, and natural philosophies ) would non be the same. The earliest recorded experience with electricity ( apart from buoy uping ) was with the ancient Greeks who noticed that gold attracted little objects when rubbed with pelt. The history of negatrons has been a compile of little finds made by many doctors, yet the most noteworthy finds were made by Benjamin Franklin, Eugen Goldstein, J.J. Thompson, Neils Bohr, Gilbert Lewis, Wolfgang Pauli, and Thomas Young. Benjamin Franklin work with electricity led him to coin footings and suggest several theories affecting batteries, music directors, capacitors, charges, and discharges. He came up with the thought of â€Å" positive †and â€Å" negative †electricity holding â€Å" plus †and â€Å" subtraction †charges. He falsely thought electric flow was from positive to negative ; now we know the opposite is true. Yet, the thought of positive and negative charges builds the foundations of circuits. Through Franklin, we learn that charge flows from the high electromotive force terminus of the power supply through carry oning wires to the resistances, where the energy of the charges is used to make work, or is dissipated as heat. The charge so flows back to the low electromotive force terminus of the power supply by more wires. Charges besides emit an electric field, utilizing a voltmeter to find the strength and way of these Fieldss by mapping the electric potency of the field. From the possible field, the electric field can be determined. The electric field lines can be found by get downing at the positive electrode and following a way to the negative electrode so that the electric field lines ever cross the possible field lines at right angles. Cathode rays played a major portion of the find of subatomic atoms and their behaviour. In 1876, Eugen GoldsteinA discovered that discharge tubings with a pierced cathode besides emit a freshness at the cathode terminal, which was subsequently recognized as negatrons traveling from the negatively-charged cathode toward the positively-chargedA anode. He besides concluded that there was another beam that travels in the opposite way. They are composed of positive ions whose individuality depends on the residuary gas inside the tubing, which subsequently became portion of the footing forA mass spectroscopy. With the cathode beam, he besides discovered magnetic Fieldss exert a â€Å" crabwise †force on traveling charged atoms. That is, if a charged atom travels through a magnetic field, the field will exercise a force directed at right angles to the atom ‘s gesture. Charged atoms can be made to go in a circle by puting up a magnetic field. In 1896, J.J. Thomson and his colleaguesA performed experiments bespeaking that cathode beams truly were atoms, alternatively of moving ridges, atoms or molecules that many believed before. Thomson made a reasonably accurate estimation of both the chargeA eA and the massA m, happening that cathode beam atoms had around a one thousandth of the mass of hydrogen.A The e/m device in his lab generates a seeable beam of negatrons and directs the beam through a unvarying magnetic field. When high-velocity negatrons strike the atoms in the gas, the atoms give off a green colored visible radiation. This makes the beam seeable. Most negatrons in the beam do n't clash with any atoms, since the gas is really thin. But those that do demo the way the negatrons are taking. Electric currents create magnetic Fieldss. At the centre of the spirals, the B-field is approximately unvarying and directed analogues with the land. This causes the negatrons to turn. The radius of the circle will depend on the strength of the magnetic field B, the velocity of the atom V, and the atom ‘s mass. The strength of the B-field depends on the current in the spirals. By mensurating the radius of the beam ‘s round way, he found the mass of the negatron. A unit of ammunition glass vacuity tubing with a glowing round beam inside The edifice block of chemical science and bonding was explored as Niels Bohr explained a simplified version of the atom, now named Bohr Atom. It is non right, but it provides a utile manner to visualise spectra and their creative activity. A â€Å" cloud †of negatrons in â€Å" orbits †surrounds the highly bantam karyon. Atoms are characterized by a karyon: the cardinal, bantam, monolithic portion. Its charge is impersonal or none. The karyon is made up of positively charged protons and impersonal neutrons. Electron: the negatively charged atom that orbits the karyon of an atom.Photon: the smallest possible sum of E & A ; M energy of a peculiar wavelength. An atom consists of a little, heavy karyon surrounded by negatrons.He hypothesized that negatrons were in quantal energy provinces. In the atom the negatrons are normally in the â€Å" land province †, n = 1. This is the lowest energy province of the atom. If an negatron is excited ( such as by an electric c urrent in a neon tubing ) it will absorb a specific photon and move to a higher energy orbits or â€Å" aroused provinces †.Because energy in an atom is â€Å" quantal †, the negatron can merely travel to specific energy provinces ; most energy provinces are out. Each set of orbits for every component and compound is different from every other set. When an negatron in an component in a low-pressure gas province absorbs a photon of visible radiation it becomes excited, and it moves to a higher electronic energy province. Then it will spontaneously fall back to the lowest energy province possible, breathing the exact same wavelength photon it absorbed. Because merely distinct energy provinces are allowed, merely a few photons will excite the negatrons. Disintegrating back to the lowest energy province produces merely a few photons. Three homocentric circles about a karyon, with an negatron traveling from the 2nd to the first circle and let go ofing a photon This is an emanation spectrum. Since the wavelength is precise, the exact energies of the orbits are known from: Tocopherol = hc/l. After its excited the negatron will drop to a lower energy province by breathing a photon of precisely the same wavelength it absorbed. When it does that we can see the photon as a specific coloured line in the spectrum. EMISSION SPECTRA is the easiest spectra to analyze in the lab, but it is seldom found in stars. Some interstellar clouds and active galaxies have emanation spectra. EVERY ELEMENT AND EVERY MOLECULE HAS A DIFFERENT SPECTRA! The spectra from an unknown sample can be used to find all the elements and molecules within the sample. When there are many elements, near together, the energy degrees of the person atoms are spread out into energy sets. This consequences in a uninterrupted spectrum. Yet, Bohr ‘s theoretical account failed to account for the comparative strengths of the spectral lines and it was unsuccessful in explicating the s pectra of more complex atoms. In 1924, Austrian physicistA Wolfgang PauliA observed that no more one negatron can busy the same quantum energy province. Therefore, the Pauli exclusion rule provinces that no two negatrons in an atom may busy the same energy province. Each negatron has an single â€Å" orbit †. These orbits are ruled by quantum mechanics. Chemical bonds between atoms were explained byA Gilbert Newton Lewis, who in 1916 proposed that aA covalent bondA between two atoms is maintained by a brace of negatrons shared between them.A Adhering between elements As with all atoms, negatrons can move as waves.It is impossible to detect both belongingss at the same clip in the same moving ridge. Einstein ‘s photoelectric experiment besides proved this dichotomy. Thomas Young ‘s dual slit experiment shows this wave-particle dichotomy, besides turn outing that visible radiation was a moving ridge. This experiment had profound deductions, finding most of 19th century natural philosophies and ensuing in several efforts to detect the quintessence, or the medium of light extension. Though the experiment is most noteworthy with visible radiation, the fact is that this kind of experiment can be performed with any type of moving ridge, such as H2O. Inactive Fieldss = imaging ( MRI, etc ) The history of negatrons has been a huge series of different doctors happening little spots of information about this unknown atom. If it were non for these finds of the belongingss of the negatron, we would non cognize how electric Fieldss work, the utilizations of a cathode beam, how elements bonded, the capablenesss of energy that come from atoms, and practical applications such as imaging. It would be good to research more on negatrons and be portion of the find as other doctors have done. Plants Cited Page Anderson, David L.A The Discovery of the Electron. New York: Arno, 1981. Buchwald, Jed Z. , and Andrew Warwick.A Histories of the Electron: the Birth of Microphysics. Cambridge, Mass. : Massachusetts institute of technology, 2001. Davis, Edward Arthur. , and Isobel J. Falconer.A J.J. Thomson and the Discovery of the Electron. London: Taylor & A ; Francis, 1997. McQuarrie, Donald A. , and John D. Simon.A Physical Chemistry: a Molecular Approach. Sausalito, Calif. : University Science, 1997. Parker, Barry R.A Albert Einstein ‘s Vision: Remarkable Discoveries That Shaped Modern Science. Amherst, N.Y. : Prometheus, 2004. Tipler, Paul Allen, and Gene Mosca.A Physics for Scientists and Engineers. 6th erectile dysfunction. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman, 2008. Weinberg, Steven.A The Discovery of Subatomic Particles. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2003.
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