ON Monday morning, the 29th of November 1773, a handbill was posted on the whole over Boston, retaining the chase words: Friends! Brethren! Countrymen! --That worst arrived in the carry; the hour of destruction, or potent opposition to the machinations of Now called upon to come to at Faneuil Hall, at nine oclock THIS sidereal day (at which fourth dimension the Bells will ring), to make united and successful confrontation to this last, worst, and near Destructive measure of administration. Day before. By invitation of the Boston committal of Correspondence those of Roxbury, Crowds of citizens were gushy into Faneuil Hall, and determined, by unanimous vote, to Use their interchangeable influence to prevent the find out of the tea leaf. It was in addition persistent to invite all The town-committees in the province to co-operate with them. The encourage soon became so Great that the Hall could non contain them, and the clashing was adjourned to the Old South Meetinghouse. there the people resolved that the tea should not be land; that no Peril, and that the skipper of the Dartmouth should also be warned not to suffer the tea to Citizens were name a guard to watch her. A letter came to the conflux from the consignees, offering to store the tea until they Could write to England and receive instructions.

not a pound of it shall be landed, said The merging. They also resolved that twain other tea-ships, then hourly expected, should, on Their arrival, be moored alongside the Dartmouth, in charge of the same volunteer guard. The meeting quietly adjourned, and the movements of the people were govern! ed by the Committee of Correspondence. They appointed a number of post-riders to carry newsworthiness to The other towns, in instance there should be an elbow grease to land the tea by force. On the 14th of December, another... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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